

Evans and Honkapohja: You work with Hansen and others on robust control theory. How is that work related to your work on rational expectations and on learning?
Sargent: It is connected to both, and to calibration as well. The idea is to give a decision maker doubts about his model and ask him to make good decisions when he fears that some other model might actually generate the data.
Evans and Honkapohja: Why is that a good idea?
Sargent: One loose motivation for both rational expectations theory and learning theories is that the economist’s model should have the property that the econometrician cannot do better than the agents inside the model. This criterion was used in the old days to criticize the practice of attributing to agents adaptive and other naive expectations schemes. So rational expectations theorists endowed agents with the ability to form conditional expectations, i.e., take averages with respect to infinite data samples drawn from within the equilibrium. The idea of learning theory was to take this “take averages” idea seriously by giving agents data from outside the equilibrium, then to roll up your sleeves and study whether and at what rate agents who take averages from finite outside-equilibrium data sets can eventually learn what they needed to know in a population rational expectations equilibrium. It turned out that they could. The spirit was to “make the agents like econometricians.”
Of course, the typical rational expectations model reverses the situation: the agent knows more than the econometrician. The agent inside the model knows the parameters of the true model while the econometrician does not and must estimate them. Further, thorough rational expectations econometricians often come away from their analyses with a battery of specification tests that have brutalized their models. (Recall my earlier reference to Bob’s and Ed’s early 1980s comments to me that “your likelihood ratio tests are rejecting too many good models.”)
Using robust control theory is a way to let our agents share the experiences of econometricians. The idea is to make the agent acknowledge and cope with model misspecification.
Evans and Honkapohja: Is this just to make sure that agents are put on the same footing as us in our role as econometricians?
Sargent: Yes. And an agent’s response to fear of model misspecification contributes behavioral responses that have interesting quantitative implications. For example, fear of model misspecification contributes components of indirect utility functions that in some types of data can look like heightened risk aversion, but that are actually responses to very different types of hypothetical mental experiments than are Pratt measures of risk aversion. For this reason, fear of model misspecification is a tool for understanding a variety of asset price spreads. Looked at from another viewpoint, models of robust decision making contribute a disciplined theory of what appears to be an endogenous preference shock.
Another reason is that decision making in the face of fear of model misspecification can be a useful normative tool for solving Ramsey problems. That is why people at central banks are interested in the topic. They distrust their models.


Evans and Honkapohja
Evans and Honkapohja
Evans and Honkapohja

*1:cf. ここ