

Evans and Honkapohja: What are some of the connections to learning theory?
Sargent: There are extensive mathematical connections through the theory of large deviations. Hansen and I exploit these. Some misspecifications are easy to learn about, others are difficult to learn about. By “difficult” I mean “learn at a slow rate.” Large deviation theory tells us which misspecifications can be learned about quickly and which can’t. Hansen and I restricted the amount of misspecification that our agent wants to guard against by requiring that it be a misspecification that is hard to distinguish from his approximating model. This is how we use learning theory to make precise what we mean by the phrase “the decision maker thinks his model is a good approximation.” There is a race between a discount factor and a learning rate. With discounting, it makes sense to try to be robust against plausible alternatives that are difficult to learn about.
Evans and Honkapohja: Can this model of decision making be recast in Bayesian terms?
Sargent: It depends on your perspective. We have shown that ex post, it can, in the sense that you can come up with a prior, a distorted model, that rationalizes the decision maker’s choices. But ex ante you can’t—the set of misspecifications that the agent fears is too big and he will not or cannot tell you a prior over that set.
By the way, Lars and I have constructed equilibria with heterogeneous agents in which the ex post Bayesian analysis implies that agents with different interests will have different “twisted models.” From the point of view of a rational expectations econometrician, these agents look as if they have different beliefs. This is a disciplined way of modelling belief heterogeneity.
Evans and Honkapohja: Is this a type of behavioral economics or bounded rationality?
Sargent: Any decision theory is a type of behavioral economics. It is not a type of bounded rationality. The decision maker is actually smarter than a rational expectations agent because his fear of model misspecification is out in the open.


Evans and Honkapohja
Evans and Honkapohja
Evans and Honkapohja