

Evans and Honkapohja: Aren’t applications of likelihood based methods in macroeconomics now making something of a comeback?
Sargent: Yes, because, of course, a rational expectations equilibrium is a likelihood function, so you couldn’t ignore it forever. In the 1980s, there were occasions when it made sense to say, “it is too difficult to maximize the likelihood function, and besides if we do, it will blow our model out of the water.” In the 2000s, there are fewer occasions when you can get by saying this. First, computers have gotten much faster, and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm, which can be viewed as a clever random search algorithm for climbing a likelihood function, or building up a posterior, is now often practical. Furthermore, a number of researchers have constructed rational expectations models with enough shocks and wedges that they believe it is appropriate to fit the data well with complete likelihood based procedures. Examples are the recent models of Otrok and Smets andWouters. By using log-linear approximations, they can use the same recursive representation of a Gaussian likelihood function that we were using in the late 1970s and early 80s.
Of course, for some nonlinear equilibrium models, it can be difficult to write down the likelihood. But there has been a lot of progress here thanks to Tony Smith, Ron Gallant, and George Tauchen and others, who have figured out ways to get estimates as good, or almost as good, as maximum likelihood. I like the Gallant-Tauchen idea of using moment conditions from the first-order conditions for maximizing the likelihood function of a well fitting auxiliary model whose likelihood function is easy to write down.
Evans and Honkapohja: Do you see any drawbacks to likelihood based approaches for macro models?
Sargent: Yes. For one thing, without leaving the framework, it seems difficult to complete a self-contained analysis of sensitivity to key features of a specification.
Evans and Honkapohja: Do you think that these likelihood based methods are going to sweep away GMM based methods that don’t use complete likelihoods?
Sargent: No. GMM and other calibration strategies will have a big role to play whenever a researcher distrusts part of his specification and so long as concerns about robustness endure.


Evans and Honkapohja
Evans and Honkapohja
Evans and Honkapohja