

Sargent: ...One of the best things I did at Minnesota was to campaign for us to make an offer to Ed Prescott. He came in the early 1980s and made Minnesota even better.
Evans and Honkapohja: You make 1970s–1980s Minnesota sound like a love-in among Sims and Wallace and you. How do you square that attitude with the dismal view of your work expressed in Neil Wallace’s JME review of your Princeton book on the history of small change with Franc¸ois Velde? Do friends write about each other that way?
Sargent: Friends do talk to each other that way. Neil thinks that cash-in-advance models are useless and gets ill every time he sees a cash-in-advance constraint. For Neil, what could be worse than a model with a cash-in-advance constraint? A model with two cash-in-advance constraints. But that is what Velde and I have! The occasionally positive multiplier on that second cash-in-advance constraint is Velde and my tool for understanding recurrent shortages of small change and upward drifting prices of large denomination coins in terms of small denomination ones.
When I think of Neil, one word comes to mind: integrity. Neil’s evaluation of my book with Velde was no worse than his evaluation of the papers that he and I wrote together. Except for our paper on commodity money, not our best in my opinion, Neil asked me to remove his name from every paper that he and I wrote together.
Evans and Honkapohja: Was he being generous?
Sargent: I don’t think so. He thought the papers should not be published. After he read the introduction to one of our JPE papers, Bob Lucas told me that no referee could possibly say anything more derogatory about our paper than what we had written about it ourselves. Neil wrote those critical words.


Evans and Honkapohja
あなたのお話では、1970年代から1980年代に掛けてのミネソタ大は、シムズとウォレスとあなたの友愛の館のように聞こえます。そうしたあなたのお話と、あなたとフランソワ・ヴェルデがプリンストンから出した小額貨幣の歴史に関する本*1にニール・ウォレスがJMEの書評*2で噛み付いたこととの関係はどうお考えですか? 友人が友人に対してああいう書き方をするものでしょうか?
友人は友人に対してああいう書き方をするものなのですよ。ニールはキャッシュ・イン・アドバンス・モデルは役に立たないと考えていて、キャッシュ・イン・アドバンス制約を目にする度に胸糞悪くなるようです。そんなニールにとって、キャッシュ・イン・アドバンス制約を一つ掛けたモデルより悪いものは何でしょうか? キャッシュ・イン・アドバンス制約を二つ掛けたモデルですよ。しかし、まさにそれが私とヴェルデが提示したものだったのです! 小額貨幣が度々不足することと、小額硬貨で測った大きな額の硬貨の価格が上昇していく傾向を理解する際に、その二番目のキャッシュ・イン・アドバンス制約が時折り正の乗数を示すということが、ヴェルデと私の理解の手段となりました。
Evans and Honkapohja


*2:cf. ここungated版