

Evans and Honkapohja: Why do you say “various types of calibration”?
Sargent: Different people mean and do different things by calibration. Some people mean “use an extraneous estimator.” Take estimates from some previous study and pretend that they are known numbers. An obvious difficulty of this procedure is that often those extraneous estimates were prepared with an econometric specification that contradicts your model. Treating those extraneous parameters as known ignores the clouds of uncertainty around them, clouds associated with the estimation uncertainty conveyed by the original researcher, and clouds from the “specification risk” associated with putting your faith in the econometric specification that another researcher used to prepare his estimates.
Other people, for example, Larry Christiano and Marty Eichenbaum, by calibration mean GMM estimates using a subset of the moment conditions for the model and data set at hand. Presumably, they impose only a subset of the moment conditions because they trust some aspects of their model more than others. This is a type of robustness argument that has been pushed furthest by those now doing semiparametric GMM. There are ways to calculate the standard errors to account for vaguely specified or distrusted aspects of the model. By the way, these ways of computing standard errors have a min-max flavor that reminds one of the robust control theory that Lars Hansen and I are using.
Evans and Honkapohja: We know what question maximum likelihood estimates answers, and the circumstances under which maximum likelihood estimates, or Bayesian counterparts to them, have good properties. What question is calibration the answer to?
Sargent: The best answer I know is contained in work by Hansen and others on GMM. They show the sense in which GMM is the best way to estimate trusted features of a less than fully trusted model.
Evans and Honkapohja: Do you think calibration in macroeconomics was an advance?
Sargent: In many ways, yes. I view it as a constructive response to Bob’s remark that “your likelihood ratio tests are rejecting too many good models.” In those days, the rational expectations approach to macroeconomics was still being challenged by influential people. There was a danger that skeptics and opponents would misread those likelihood ratio tests as rejections of an entire class of models, which of course they were not. (The internal logic of the likelihood function as a complete model should have made that clear, but apparently it wasn’t at the time!) The unstated case for calibration was that it was a way to continue the process of acquiring experience in matching rational expectations models to data by lowering our standards relative to maximum likelihood, and emphasizing those features of the data that our models could capture. Instead of trumpeting their failures in terms of dismal likelihood ratio statistics, celebrate the features that they could capture and focus attention on the next unexplained feature that ought to be explained. One can argue that this was a sensible response to those likelihood ratio tests. It was also a response to the scarcity of resources at our disposal. Creating dynamic equilibrium macro theories and building a time series econometrics suitable for estimating them were both big tasks. It was a sensible opinion that the time had come to specialize and to use a sequential plan of attack: let’s first devote resources to learning how to create a range of compelling equilibrium models to incorporate interesting mechanisms. We’ll be careful about the estimation in later years when we have mastered the modelling technology.


Evans and Honkapohja
Evans and Honkapohja
Evans and Honkapohja

*1:[11/1追記]10/29エントリで触れたデロングは、これを受けて、「しかし、時系列データに適合するモデルを真剣に構築する時機は遂に訪れなかった。もっと言うならば、そうした時機が訪れることはないであろう。(Yet that day of getting serious about building a model that could match the time series never came. Moreover, I would say that it will not come.)」と皮肉っている。その理由は、合理的期待を謳うならばすべての事後分布を取り込む必要があり、従って戦後の米国の分析においてはリーマンショックの想定を取り込む必要があるが、実際にはリーマンショックは発生確率がゼロに近かったから、との由。また同エントリの冒頭でデロングは、ブランシャールのカリブレーション評「データがモデルに適合しないという事実を無視し、恰も適合したかのように話を進める一つの方法(a way of ignoring the fact that the data do not fit your model, and proceeding as if they did)」を引用している。