13日エントリは思いがけないほど多くのはてぶを頂いた。そこではMRブログエントリでのSixoというコメンターのコメントのみ全文紹介したが、もう一人gwernというコメンターが日本についてコメントしている。13日エントリでは末尾で「Japanese companies seem to be really terrible at IT」という彼のコメントの一文のみ紹介したが、それを補強する材料としてgwernは自分のHPへのリンクも張っており、そこには以下のようなことが書かれている。
There is a curious lack of Japanese contributions in software technology. Japan has a highly educated population a good fraction of the size of US population (127m vs 300m), considerable indigenous R&D capability (albeit declining), long involvement in computing hardware, etc. Hence, if all were equal, one would expect something like a third of all major software packages written by Japanese or Internet services developed by Japanese, and so on. Instead, one notices almost a complete absence of such Japanese contributions. (To the extent one doesn’t notice this, one is engaging in base rate fallacy - Japan ought to be producing tons of globally popular software and its absence is very surprising.) In software, the only major contribution I know of is the Ruby programming language; I am continually struck by the almost complete absence of FLOSS in doujinshi media & the survival and massive popularity of closed-source software. The Japanese IT industry is fairly dysfunctional, ...