
シカゴブースのIGMフォーラムが、日銀が日本のデフレを防げたか、という点について経済学者にアンケートを取った*1ところ、タイラー・コーエンがそのサイトに「Economists don’t believe in liquidity traps」としてリンクした。さすがにそれは結果の解釈として違うのでは、と思ったが、既にコメント欄でClaudiaというコメンターが以下のようにコーエンを批判していた:

The title on the post is a funny interpretative dance on the results. General agreement with the statement: “The persistent deflation in Japan since 1997 could have been avoided had the Bank of Japan followed different monetary policies” is NOT general agreement with the statement: “There are no liquidity traps.” It is more like agreeing that liquidity traps do not just suddenly fall from heaven and when it is apparent that one might be on the horizon then monetary policy should go into overdrive, which according to the majority of respondents BoJ did not. As an aside, the spectre of deflation gets people in central banks more exercised than the spectre of inflation…precisely because liquidity traps and deflationary spirals are so problematic and tough to get out of. The survey question is a little loose on the timing of the hypothetical policy action and you can see that in the detailed responses, for example Bob Hall is answering from the perspective of already being in a liquidity trap. I think this poll would be more useful if it provided some interpretation of the responses for a lay person audience…and to discourage creative re-labeling of the findings.

これに対し後続のtheCoachというコメンターは、「タイラーは正確さを犠牲にしてわざと挑発しているのだと思う(I think Tyler is being intentionally provocative at the expense of accuracy)」と揶揄している。


また、上記のコメントで言及されたロバート・ホールの質問に対する否定的な回答――「準備預金と国債がほぼ代替物となるゼロ金利下限では中央銀行は物価水準のコントロールを失う(Central banks lose control of the price level at the zero lower bound, when their reserves become close substitutes for government debt)」――については、昔と言っていることが違うじゃないか、とMarcus Nunesサムナーが批判している*3


