
12/2エントリでUmair Haqueという人のハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー・ブログエントリを紹介したが、そのエントリでは彼の過去のエントリへのリンクが張られていた。そちらのエントリで、構造改革派御用達のイノベーションという概念をくさしていたのが少し面白かったので、以下に紹介してみる。

Innovation: it's the ultimate source of advantage, the undisputed heavyweight champion of the economic ring. Innovation is what every organization should be ruthlessly pursuing, right? Wrong.

I'd like to advance a hypothesis: awesomeness is the new innovation.

Let's face it. "Innovation" feels like a relic of the industrial era. And it just might be the case that instead of chasing innovation, we should be innovating innovation — that innovation needs innovation. Why? When we examine the economics of innovation, three reasons emerge.

Innovation relies on obsolescence. Innovation was a concept pioneered by the great Joseph Schumpeter. And to subscribe to it requires us to accept his theory of creative destruction. Gales of innovation make yesterday's goods and services obsolete. Yet, that, in turn, means that the price of innovation is recession and depression. The business cycle might never be vanquished — but it is getting more vicious with every decade. In an interdependent world, obsolescence is what's obsolete.

Innovation dries up our seedcorn. Innovation in its purest Schumpeterian sense is undertaken by entrepreneurs. And so today, we've got an economy where everything's for sale. Yet, little fundamentally new is being created. Businesses focus obsessively on the entrepreneurial aspects of commerce: we are focused still on selling the same old toxic, industrial era junk in slightly better ways. Yet, the challenge of the 21st century isn't entrepreneurial as much as it is creative: learning to create fundamentally better stuff in the first place.

Innovation often isn't. Innovation means, naively, what is commercially novel. Yet, as the financial crisis proves, what is "innovative" is often value destructive and socially harmful. Financial "innovation" turned out to be unnovative: it has destroyed trillions in value - here are some staggering estimates from the IMF.

It's time to ask: have the costs of innovation exceeded the benefits?

イノベーション――。それは優位の究極の源であり、経済の世界において疑いなくヘビー級のチャンピオンの座を占める。イノベーションこそ、すべての組織が容赦無く追求すべきものである。そうではないか? …いいや、そうではない。
はっきりと認めるべきだ。「イノベーション」は工業時代の遺物の匂いがする、と。ひょっとすると、イノベーションを追い求める代わりに、イノベーション自体をイノベートするべき時が来ているのかもしれない。イノベーションイノベーションを必要としている、というわけだ。なぜかって? イノベーションの経済学を見てみると、3つの理由が浮かび上がる。




  • 倫理性
  • 創造性
  • 自らが販売する物への愛着
  • 真に意味のある価値
