
昨日紹介したワルドマンのブログエントリ「Hangover theory and morality plays」の主眼は、カール・スミスの過剰消費説批判への反論であり、昨日の紹介部分(=繁栄の測定手段に関する議論)は実はその前振りに過ぎない。ワルドマンは、このエントリを、以前のクルーグマンハングオーバー理論批判への反論の延長と位置づけている。


Austrian-ish “hangover theory” claims, plausibly, that if for some reason the economy has been geared to production that was feasible and highly valued in previous periods, but which now is no longer feasible or highly valued, there will be a slump in production. It wisely asks us to consider not only the prosperity we measure today, but the sustainability of that prosperity going forward. I am not “Austrian”, and have no interest in defending specific claims regarding the roundaboutness of activity or the role of central banks in causing bursts of quasiprosperity. But as Brad DeLong wisely reminds us, it is good to be somewhat catholic in our evaluation of macroeconomic schools, and to take what is useful from each. I consider myself Keynesian at least as much as I am Austrian, but I recognize good and not-so-good offshoots of both schools. (Austrian and Keynesian ideas are more complementary than most people acknowledge. The Austrians focus on unsustainable arrangements of real capital, while the Keynesians focus on unsustainable arrangements with respect to money, debt, savings, and income. I think both approaches are fruitful.)
There is no school of economic thought I know of that suggests increased prosperity and consumption in and of themselves require a painful purge. The claim is that some patterns of economic activity create the appearance of prosperity and enable temporary consumption that cannot be sustained, and that moving from a period during which such patterns obtain to a more “sustainable pattern of specialization and trade” involves adjustments that are difficult. Recovery is hard, both because there is uncertainty about what is to be done, and because powerful incumbents resist changes and block useful action. Only critics of “hangover theory” claim the theory implies that idleness is just desserts. Proponents do claim that poverty in the sense of diminished consumption, painful financial losses, and “creative destruction” of cherished institutions usually attend the adjustment process, and they recognize all this is usually associated with unemployment. But hangover theorists argue that adjustment is worth doing despite the cost in employment, consumption, and disruption, not because those costs are good things. When they do argue that “pain is good”, it is along very conventional lines of moral hazard. It is not that the macroeconomy “deserves” to suffer, but that foolish lenders and borrowers, specific misallocators of capital and overconsumers, ought to suffer disproportionately pour encourager les autres.
Hangover theorists are suspicious of booms that might not be sustainable. They are quick to urge that we “take away the punch bowl” — defined as any macroscale stimulus to economic activity that cannot last — not because they dislike a party, but because they prefer a party that might go on indefinitely to one they expect will be punctuated by agony.


ここでワルドマンは、ハングオーバー理論を、それの含意する道徳的側面も含めて積極的に評価している。ちなみにこのエントリの冒頭で彼は、少し前(11/10)のエントリにリンクを張っているが、そこで彼はクルーグマンの「経済学は道徳劇では無い(Economics Is not a Morality Play)」と題されたブログエントリに反論して以下のように書いている。

But the thing is, human affairs are a morality play, and economics, if it is to be useful at all, must be an account of human affairs.



The “AD” side of the debate sees structural adjustment as some sort of residual: “sure, maybe a point of unemployment is due to unemployed construction workers and the like, but what about the other four points (above the natural rate)?”
To have a constructive debate, the “hangover” side needs to tell a story about how most of the jobs lost are due to “shifting patterns of specialization”. From what I read, it seems little time is spent actually thinking through this challenge.


*2:これはスミスが「On what planet is it your just desert[sic] that after partying all night you are forced to sit on the couch rather than get the rest of your work done.」と書いたのを受けていると思われる。
[2010/12/11追記]スミスは「just desert」、ワルドマンは「just desserts」と書いているが、これはいずれも「just deserts」の誤り。また、小生は食後のデザートの意味かと思って当初そう訳したが、ここここを見ると、そうではなく慣用句とのことなので、「デザートのように」という訳語を削除した。