2/9エントリで取り上げた新旧ケインジアンを巡る論争の余波のような形で、ロバート・ワルドマンがMark Thomaに噛み付いた。曰く、Thomaは自分がオールドケインジアンであるということを憤然と否定してニューケインジアンであることを強調したが、ニューケインジアンがオールドケインジアンに比べてなんぼの付加価値を経済学に付け加えてきたっちゅーねん、との由。
As Robert notes, one big difference between the Old and New Keynesian models is the way in which expectations are treated. The older models do not incorporate expectations, e.g. expected future monetary and fiscal policy, in an acceptable way. When expectations of current and future events are unimportant, the distinction between the Old and New models is not that large. But when expectations do matter -- as I believe they often do -- then the older models can miss important feedback effects.
Old Keynesian models do not account for these expectation effects satisfactorily, and that's one of the reasons I think the newer models provide a stronger framework to evaluate the effects of policy.[This is evident in this post where the NK IS curve (which is really an Euler equation -- i.e. in essence a first order condition in a maximization problem) contains the term EtYt+1 while the standard IS curve does not.]