I believe that during the last financial crisis, macroeconomists (and I include myself among them) failed the country, and indeed the world. In September 2008, central bankers were in desperate need of a playbook that offered a systematic plan of attack to deal with fast-evolving circumstances. Macroeconomics should have been able to provide that playbook. It could not. Of course, from a longer view, macroeconomists let policymakers down much earlier, because they did not provide policymakers with rules to avoid the circumstances that led to the global financial meltdown.
Modern Macroeconomic Models as Tools for Economic Policy | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis(拙訳)
My reaction to this is the old one: "Huh?!"
For "macroeconomics" did and does have a playbook that offered a systematic plan of attack to deal with fast-evolving circumstances.
The playbook was first drafted back in 1825, during the bursting of Britain's canal bubble.
- ワルラス則によって全面的な供給過剰は起こりえないとしたジャン・バティスト・セーの主張は、人々の貨幣退蔵によってそれが起こり得ることを指摘したジョン・スチュワート・ミルによって反駁された*2。
- そうした状況に対処するには、政府が乗り出すしかない。
- 1825年の恐慌の際に、イングランド銀行は大規模な信用供与を実施した。その様子を、ウォルター・バジョットは当時の担当者の証言を通じて活き活きと描写した。2007年以降に世界の中央銀行や財務省が取った行動も、まさにその戦術書の通りだった。
- リカルド・カバレロが言うように、財政赤字が政治的に許容される限界に達し、政府が国債という形での安全資産の供給ができなくなったとしても*3、民間の生成する安全資産のシステミックリスクを引き受けるという形で、世界中で不足している安全資産の供給を確保することができる。
The playbook is old and well-established, and has been put to effective use.
That Narayana Kocherlakota and company did not know it existed--that he and his circle had never studied Kindleberger and Minsky, let alone Fisher and agehot and Mill, and knew Keynes and Hicks only as straw men to be ritually denounced as sources of error rather than smart people to be listened to--will doubtless appear to future generations as an interesting episode in the history of political economy. But nobody should confuse the failure of Kocherlakota's branch of macroeconomics with the failure of macroeconomics in general.
ちなみに、Economist's ViewのMark Thomaは、この文章について以下のような感想を漏らしている(デロングもエントリを立ててそれを引用している)。
I'm not sure that, in general, people were as unaware of this work as Brad implies.
Economist's View: "A Missing Macroeconomic Playbook?"
After all, if the proponents of modern macro had thought there was something to be learned from the Kindlebergers and Bagehots of the past, then those who were ignorant of what they had to say would have already read and absorbed this work. The fact that they didn't gives an indication of the value they thought it had. Hopefully that assessment has changed.(拙訳)