
かつてドラエモン氏が2chに投稿したショートストーリー*1を想起させるタイトルだが、ノアピニオン氏が少し前にそういう趣旨のエントリを起こしている(原題は「A world without macroeconomists?」)。ツイッター上での議論を元に起こしたエントリで、当初は「経済学者がこの世から消えたら…」を考えていたのだが、それだと想定が難しくなり過ぎるので、マクロ経済学者に話を限定したとの由。



A world without macroeconomists wouldn't be a world without economists who talk to journalists about the macroeconomy. The risk is that the voice of the economics profession will be trade theorists, economic historians, behavioral economists and finance economists such as Krugman, DeLong, C Romer, Goolsbee, Fama and Cochrane.

I actually think that macroeconomists have very little influence on macroeconomics as perceived by policy makers and the public. Summers is influential. He is also a total heretic (he didn't leave the field, the field left him). Blanchard and Woodford are influential macroeconomists and reasonable people.

The world has chosen not to benefit from the insights of the most influential academic macroeconomists Robert Lucas and Edward Prescott. I don't think you think this is a bad thing.



I think you go to easy on the macroeconomists who say their models are good for policy analysis even if they aren't good for forecasting. To be useful for policy analysis a model has to approximate reality. There are two known ways to see if this is true of a model. One is to treat it as a null hypothesis and test it. Macroeconomists are absolutely unwilling to do this. The other is to use it to make out of sample forecasts and compare them to data.

Poor forecasting ability means there is no evidence that the model is of any value or interest whatsoever.

I will restate the argument you quote without affecting its validity at all "Voodoo priests will gladly tell you that modern models are not a lot of use in forecasting - that their main use is in giving policy recommendations, conditional on your assumptions (i.e. 'If for whatever reason you believe that the economy works this way, here's what you should think you can do with policy.')"

An argument which begins "if you believe" can't possibly justify well my salary for example.

Also no one believes in DSGE models. The full argument is "Friedman methodology .. even if you don't believe the economy works the we assume when making models, you can't be sure our advice is wrong, and Lucas critique if you don't believe the economy works the way they assume when making models then their success in fitting data doesn't imply you should pay attention to their policy evaluation."

I consider both arguments valid. I know I don't know I "can't be sure" and that empirical results don't imply. So I know I know nothing useful.
In short neither I (the macroeconomist) nor you (the policy maker) have a clue. So pay me a salary (oddly they do).




*1:cf. たとえばここ



*4:cf. ここで紹介した「そうした検定はあまりに多くの良いモデルを棄却し過ぎる」というルーカスとプレスコットの台詞。
