
2000年代前半のFRBの低金利政策が住宅バブルをもたらした、というテイラーらの主張を巡る議論はこれまでも本ブログで何回か紹介してきたが*1、テイラーらの主張に反駁する研究がvoxeuに投稿されている。書いたのはAmbrogio Cesa-BianchiとAlessandro Rebucciという米州開発銀行の2人の研究者(Cesa-Bianchiはミラノ・カトリック大学の博士課程の院生でもある)。


This paper develops a model featuring both a macroeconomic and a financial stability objective that speaks to the interaction between monetary and macroprudential policies. First, we find that interest rate rigidities in a monopolistic banking system have an asymmetric impact on financial stability: they lead to greater financial instability in response to contractionary shocks, while they act as an automatic financial stabilizer in response to expansionary shocks. Second, we find that when the policy interest rate is the only instrument, a monetary authority subject to the same constraints as private agents cannot always achieve a (constrained) efficient allocation and faces a trade-off between macroeconomic and financial stability in response to contractionary shocks. This has important implications for the role played by U. S. monetary policy in the run-up to the global financial crisis: the model suggests that the weak link in the U. S. policy framework was not the monetary policy stance after 2002, but rather the absence of an effective second policy pillar aimed at preserving financial stability.


In particular, our analysis shows that Taylor's argument – i.e., that higher interest rates would have reduced both the probability and the severity of the crisis -- is valid only with the auxiliary assumption that the policy authority had just one instrument at its disposal, namely the policy rate, to address both macroeconomic and financial distortions in the economy. In the US, institutional responsibility for financial stability is shared among a multiplicity of agencies (i.e. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Reserve, Office of Thrift Supervision, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation). According to our analysis, therefore, it was fully appropriate for the Fed to focus squarely on the macroeconomic stability objective of fighting the risk of deflation during the period 2002-06.



The Fed is currently fighting an unemployment scare with extraordinary quantitative measures and a commitment to keep interest rates low for an extended period of time. It is therefore natural to ask whether the same mix of loose monetary and regulatory policies is fuelling the next financial crisis. Indeed, the current situation displays many similarities with the aftermath of the bursting of the dot-com bubble. As in 2001, in 2008 the US economy experienced a large negative shock, and the Fed reacted by easing monetary policy very aggressively. Interest rates today are even lower than in the 2002-2004 period and have been low for a much longer period of time. So is monetary policy fuelling the next financial crisis, as some fear? In an institutional context like that of the US, in which the regulatory and monetary-policy functions are assigned to different agencies that rely on different instruments, our model suggests that monetary policy is appropriately targeting macroeconomic stability.

But is regulatory policy asleep at the wheel? ...
FRBは現在、尋常ならざる量的手段および低金利を長期間維持するという約束を以って失業の恐怖と闘っている。従って、以前と同じような緩和的な金融と規制の政策の組み合わせが、次なる金融危機を醸成しているのではないか、と尋ねるのは自然である。実際、現状とドットコムバブルの崩壊の後とは多くの共通点がある。2001年と同様、2008年に米国経済は大きな負のショックを経験し、FRBは非常に積極的な金融緩和策でこれに対応した。金利は2002-2004年の時期をさらに下回っており、低金利が続いた期間は当時よりも長い。ということは、一部の人々が恐れているように、金融政策は次なる金融危機を醸成しているのであろうか? 規制と金融政策の機能が相異なる機関に割り当てられ、各機関が異なる政策ツールに依拠している米国の制度の枠組みでは、金融政策は適切にもマクロ経済の安定を目的として運営されている、ということが我々のモデルからは言える。


*1:cf. ここ