

Rubin shared Born's worry about the derivative market's unregulated growth, and in his 2003 memoir, In an Uncertain World (co-authored by Jacob Weisberg, editor-in-chief of the Washington Post Co. unit that includes Slate), Rubin would later write that derivatives "should be subject to comprehensive and higher margin limits." So why did he oppose Born? Rubin doesn't discuss the episode in In an Uncertain World, but according to an Oct. 15 article by Anthony Faiola, Ellen Nakashima, and Jill Drew in the Washington Post, Rubin fought Born's plan for essentially political reasons: So "strident" a power grab by the CFTC, Rubin believed, would invite legal challenge, which in turn would create havoc in the derivatives market. Unfortunately, after killing off Born's proposal, Rubin never developed a less "strident" regulatory alternative—even after the September 1998 collapse of the Long Term Capital Management hedge fund, attributed in large part to its extensive investment in derivatives, demonstrated that concerns about these unregulated financial instruments were extremely well-founded. As a consequence of Rubin's obstruction and inaction, the market for one particular derivative—credit-default swaps—grew like a noxious weed. The credit-default swaps were unregulated insurance contracts on securities derived partly from subprime mortgages. If indiscriminate subprime mortgages were the vehicle that brought about the market meltdown, credit-default swaps were the fuel.
ルービンは、デリバティブ市場が規制を受けることなく成長することに対して、ボーンと同様の懸念を抱いていた。後にルービンは、2003年の回顧録「In an Uncertain World」(ワシントンポスト社のSlateも傘下にあるビジネスユニットの編集主幹であるジェイコブ・ワイズバーグとの共著)で、デリバティブには「現状よりも高額の包括的な委託証拠金を課すべき*1」と書くことになる。ではなぜボーンに反対したのか? ルービンは回顧録でそのことについて触れていないが、ワシントンポストのAnthony Faiola, Ellen Nakashima, Jill Drewによる10/15記事によると、ルービンがボーン案に反対した理由は基本的に政治的なものだ。CFTCによる権限掌握は非常に「居丈高」なものになるので、法的な異議申し立てが続出し、デリバティブ市場に大混乱をもたらす、とルービンは考えた。不幸なことに、ボーン案を葬った後、ルービンがそれほど「居丈高」でない規制の代案を提示することは無かった。デリバティブへの多額の投資が主因となった1998年のLTCMヘッジファンドの破綻により、規制を受けないそれらの金融商品に対する懸念が極めて強く裏付けられたにも関わらず、である。ルービンの妨害と不作為の結果、ある特定のデリバティブ――クレジット・デフォルト・スワップ――が有害な雑草のように生い茂った。CDSサブプライムモーゲージなどから派生した証券についての無規制の保険契約である。もし見境の無いサブプライムモーゲージが市場崩壊をもたらした自動車だとするならば、CDSはその燃料であった。


Rubin, in an interview, said of Born's effort, "I do think it was a deterrent to moving forward. I thought it was counterproductive. If you want to move forward . . . you engage with parties in a constructive way. My recollection was, though I truly do not remember the specifics of the meeting, this was done in a more strident way."

Rubin said, in the recent interview, that he had his own qualms about derivatives, going back to his days as a managing partner at Goldman Sachs. He later wrote in a 2003 book that "derivatives, with leverage limits that vary from little to none at all, should be subject to comprehensive and higher margin requirements," forcing dealers to put up more capital to back the swaps. "But that will almost surely not happen, absent a crisis."

Asked why he didn't suggest stricter capital requirements as an alternative in 1998, Rubin said, "There was no political reality of getting it done. We were so caught up with other issues that were so pressing. . . . the Asian financial crisis, the Brazilian financial crisis. We had a lot going on."
