
WSJブログでハーバードのある学生の卒業論文が取り上げられている(マンキューブログ経由;wrong, rogue and booklogでも紹介されている)。記事によると、マイケル・ルイス(「ライアーズ・ポーカー」の著者)の新著「The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine」の謝辞で、

A.K. Barnett-Hart, a Harvard undergraduate who had just written a thesis about the market for subprime mortgage-backed CDOs that remains more interesting than any single piece of Wall Street research on the subject.
A.K. Barnett-Hart。ハーバード学部生で、サブプライムローン担保CDOの市場に関する卒業論文をつい最近書き上げたが、その論文は、ウォール街のいかなるリサーチレポートよりも興味深い。



It was a classic example of the innocent going to Wall Street and asking the right questions...Her thesis shows there were ways to discover things that everyone should have wanted to know. That it took a 22-year-old Harvard student to find them out is just outrageous.

また、記事では論文へのリンクも張られているが、そのタイトルは「CDO市場崩壊の物語:実証分析(The Story of the CDO Market Meltdown:An Empirical Analysis)」となっている。



First, the properties of the CDO collateral, including asset class and vintage, are the most important factor in explaining the variation in CDO performance. In particular, CDOs with a high level of exposure to residential mortgage securities, specifically those backed by subprime and Alt-A adjustable-rate mortgages, consistently underperformed other CDOs. In addition, losses were higher for CDOs with a large amount of 2006 and 2007 vintage collateral. Secondly, the identity of the CDO underwriter is a significant predictor for CDO performance, even after controlling for collateral type. This finding shows that there was variation among banks’ underwriting standards, with some banks consistently more careful in their collateral selection. For example, J.P. Morgan’s CDOs consistently underperformed, while those from Goldman Sachs were among the top performers. Lastly, the original credit ratings assigned to CDOs failed to capture the true risks of these securities. There was a striking uniformity in the initial proportion of AAA given to all CDO deals, despite the wide variety in the characteristics of their collateral and the quality of their underwriters. On the whole, the original credit ratings of CDO bonds, most notably those given to the senior tranches, were grossly inflated.