
「The Fed and Lehman Brothers: Introduction and Summary」というNBER論文をローレンス・ボールが上げている。以下はその要旨。

Why did the Federal Reserve let Lehman Brothers fail? Fed officials say they lacked the legal authority to rescue the firm, because it did not have adequate collateral to borrow the cash it needed. This paper summarizes a monograph that disputes officials’ claims (Ball, 2016). These claims are incorrect in two senses: a perceived lack of legal authority was not why the Fed did not rescue Lehman; and the Fed did in fact have the authority for a rescue.
なぜFRBリーマン・ブラザーズを破綻させたのか? FRBの人々は、リーマンは必要な現金を借り入れるための適切な担保を持っていなかったため、FRBには同社を救済する法的権限が無かった、と言う。本稿は、こうしたFRB側の主張に反駁したモノグラフ(Ball、2016)を要約する。FRB側の主張は2つの点において誤っている。第一に、FRBは法的権限の欠如という認識に基いてリーマンを救済しなかったわけではなかった。第二に、実際にはFRBは救済のための権限を有していた。


an internal Fed team assigned to value Lehman’s collateral reached a preliminary finding that the firm was narrowly solvent and the Fed could have justified a loan. But everyone was too busy to listen, and the report was never delivered to Mr. Geithner, Mr. Bernanke or Mr. Paulson. This is consistent with Professor Ball’s findings.


One of the more intriguing questions Professor Ball tackles is why Mr. Paulson, rather than Mr. Bernanke, appears to have been the primary decision maker, when sole authority to lend to an institution in distress rests with the Fed. The answer, he suggests, is to be found more in psychology than data.
“By many accounts, Paulson was a highly assertive person who often told others what to do, and Bernanke was not,” Professor Ball writes. “Based on these traits, we would expect Paulson to take charge in a crisis.”


None of the principals themselves have budged from their oft-stated positions that the Fed’s hands were tied. Mr. Paulson said he stood by earlier comments he gave me: “We were united in our determination to do all we can to prevent a systemically important institution from going down.” He added, “Although it was Ben and Tim’s decision to make, I shared their view that Lehman was insolvent and I know the marketplace did.”
Mr. Geithner said he had not read the paper and thus could not comment. Mr. Bernanke didn’t respond to a request for comment.
当事者たち自身は、FRBの手は縛られていた、という彼らが度々繰り返した立場を崩すことは無かった。ポールソン氏は、以前記者に述べたコメントを堅持する、と述べた。「システムにとって重要な機関が倒れるのを防ぐために全力を尽くす、という決意において我々は一体だった。」 また彼は、「ベンとティムの決断事項ではあったが、リーマンは債務不履行状態にあったという彼らの見解を私も共有していた。市場もそうだったことを私は知っている。」と付け加えた。
