
イタリア銀行のMassimo LibertucciとMario Quagliarielloというエコノミストが、このテーマについてvoxeuに書いているEconomist's View経由)。ただ、彼らの関心は、(現在日本で関心を集めている)インフレ目標などの金融政策というよりは、金融安定化策(マクロプルーデンシャル)、とりわけ銀行の自己資本比率規制政策にある。


Looking at pros and cons of the two extreme options (pure discretion and hard rules), we agree with the idea that a constrained discretion can be a viable compromise. Our favourite setting is however slightly different, with greater emphasis on rules. A predefined rule would determine the policy reaction (e.g., in terms of request for building up / depletion of capital buffers) to changing economic conditions. The set of variables may be different across jurisdictions, but should be announced clearly and transparently ex-ante. The relevant authority would have the option to override this rule, allowing the banking system to increase and decrease the buffer as appropriate, in the light of a broader range of information on the state of health of the economy. However, this would represent an exception, to be used in rare circumstances and properly explained to market participants. In our view, a more extensive use of discretion may determine competition in laxity across jurisdictions and reduction in cross-country comparability. In sum, rules would be the everyday framework, while discretion would represent an extreme resort.

We also believe that such a system can work better if the macroprudential tools are put in the hands of a regional or global macroprudential authority – less prone to external pressures – rather than domestic ones. Certainly, the actual effectiveness of such a system will depend crucially on the independence, reputation and accountability of the macroprudential authority, as well as on its ability to enforce its recommendations. The final outcome will also be affected by the interaction between the micro- and the macro-prudential authorities, since they will handle the same tool. Should this institutional setting be considered too ambitious, a rigorous peer review process, as suggested also by the Financial Stability Board (2010), would ensure that national authorities either comply with their own pre-commitment or explain possible deviations to a group of peer authorities.




The time-(in)consistency literature, launched bu Kydland and Prescott (1977), shows that discretion-based solutions would be the first-best in terms of agents’ utility, but they are not time-consistent. In fact, strategic responses of rational, utility-maximising agents lead to an ex-post sub-optimal arrangement; rules ensure that – ex-post – at least a second-best is achieved.


