20日のエントリでバーナンキへの批判を紹介したが、Mark Thomaがその批判派を3種類に分類している(moneywatchの12/21コラム)。
- WSJ編集局などの金融業界(cf. 拙ブログの12/5エントリ)。バーナンキに資産バブルの責任を問うと同時に、出口戦略の際に批判に耐えて引き締め政策ができるかどうかを疑問視している。
- デロング質問へのバーナンキ回答に反発する人々(cf. 拙ブログの12/20エントリの最後の段落)。いわば米国版リフレ派。
There are many people currently criticizing the Fed for worrying too much about inflation and not enough about employment. They want the Fed to use quantitative easing - the purchase of financial assets when interest rates are already at zero - as a means of stimulating the economy and creating jobs. I think it’s a mistake to focus on the Fed rather than on fiscal policy because the focus on the Fed takes the pressure off congress and the administration to do something about the poor state of the job market.
さらに、クリーブランド連銀の小論を紹介したEconomist's Viewの12/22エントリの前説では、リフレ政策への疑問と財政政策への選好を以下のように表明している。
My doubts come on two fronts. The first is the ability of QE to affect long-term real rates, and the evidence is somewhat favorable on this point, though not 100 percent compelling. It does seem that the Fed can lower long-term real rates, mortgage rates in particular, though why we want to stimulate investment in new housing in the aftermath of an housing bubble is a question we might want to ask.
My second objection is related to this - even if we do lower long-run real mortgage rates, will that stimulate new investment in housing given the inventory problem that already exists, and given the condition of the economy? I'm doubtful, and that doubt extends generally. The mechanism described below relies upon lower real interest rates stimulating new investment, but even if long-term rates fall across the board, will firms be inclined to go out and buy new factories and equipment when so much of what they have is sitting idle?
Fiscal policy can put these resources to work directly, but monetary policy must induce firms to invest (or induce households to purchase housing and durables), and in a recession that may be hard to do. That's why I've emphasized fiscal policy, and that is what my objection is mostly about. The focus on the Fed has made it appear that monetary rather than fiscal policy is our best bet at this point. Monetary policy might be able to help for the reasons explained below, so I have no objection to trying, but fiscal policy needs to take the lead.
I should acknowledge that it may not be politically possible at this point to do more on the fiscal policy front, and the 3.5 percent growth rate for third quarter GDP that turned out to be a false signal didn't help at all (note, however, that the Fed is equally unlikely to respond to calls for it to do more). But there did seem to be momentum building toward providing more help through fiscal policy -- there was even a jobs summit -- however the talk about fiscal policy suddenly ended as people turned their guns on the Fed. While that may have been needed to get the Fed thinking harder about what more it can do, we should have also kept up the pressure on fiscal authorities. That fiscal authorities have been let off the hook is disappointing.
私の第2の異論は、その点に関係している。たとえ長期の実質住宅ローン金利が低下したとしても、現在の過剰在庫と不景気という状況下で、果たして新規住宅投資が促進されるだろうか? 私はその点を疑問視しているし、それはより一般化された疑問につながる。以下に紹介する小論で描かれているメカニズムでは、実質金利の低下が新規投資を促進することが前提となっている。しかし、たとえ長期金利の全般的な低下があったとしても、企業は新しい工場や設備を買うだろうか? 今休止しているものがあれだけあるのに?