
マンキューが12/9ブログエントリで、マシュー・カーン (Matthew Kahn)カリフォルニア州立大学ロサンゼルス校(UCLA)環境研究所、経済学部、公共政策学部教授の以下の予測を紹介した。

Professor Mankiw should consider incorporating the following income effects case study into his next edition of his textbook. Based on the simple labor supply theory of substitution and income effects, I predict that Tiger Woods will play in more tournaments in 2010. In 2009 (pre-discovery of his prowling) Tiger didn't play much golf . He earned "only" $10 million playing golf. If his flow of endorsement income falls from $100 million a year to $10 million year, then this loss of $90 million per year is a negative income effect. Ignoring any alimony bills (which simply compound the income effect), this income effect should cause him to work more. Note that the wages of winning a tournament do not change. The shock is to his flow of income from his endorsements. This is equivalent to losing the lottery and having money taken from you.

Environmental and Urban Economics: Tiger Woods Offers Economists a Test of Our Theory of Labor Supply


