
というFRB論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Continuity and Change in the Federal Reserve’s Perspective on Price Stability」で、著者はDavid López-Salido、Emily J. Markowitz、Edward Nelson(いずれもFRB)。

By examining statements made by the Federal Reserve leadership since the early 1950s, we establish that there has been considerable continuity in policymakers’ perceptions of the benefits of price stability. Policymakers have consistently contended that deviations from price stability give rise to greater cyclical instability, and they have also frequently suggested that potential output is significantly lowered by inflation. The recurrent support for price stability that comes through in these statements implies that it is invalid to take periods in the U.S. record of deviations from price stability as indicating a policymaker belief in the desirability of inflation.




「Heterogeneity and Aggregate Fluctuations: Insights from TANK Models」というNBER論文をDavide Debortoli(ポンペウ・ファブラ大)とJordi Galí(CREI)が上げているungated版)。

The emergence of HANK models has been viewed as a challenge to the heretofore dominance of the representative household paradigm in the modelling of aggregate fluctuations and their interaction with macro policies.
In the present paper we have sought to understand the role of idiosyncratic income risk - the key source of heterogeneity in existing HANK models in shaping aggregate fluctuations - by comparing the aggregate properties of three different versions of a HANK model to those of three tractable counterparts that abstract from idiosyncratic risk. In our effort to understand the mechanisms at work in the different HANK models and to design a tractable counterpart to each of them we have stressed the distinction between unconstrained and hand-to-mouth households, a distinction which is the hallmark of TANK models. For each HANK model considered, we have found a suitably specified and calibrated tractable model that captures reasonably well its implications for aggregate output and the main channels through which aggregate shocks are transmitted. That similarity increases dramatically in the presence of a policy rule that emphasizes inflation stability. Finally, we have shown that heterogeneity becomes irrelevant for the determination of aggregate output in the limiting case of a strict inflation targeting policy.

HANK-Iは借り入れ制約が均衡において束縛とならず、株式が完全に非流動的なモデルで、独自の所得リスクとマクロの変動 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した著者たちの以前の研究でベンチマークとした枠組みである。これについては代表的個人ニューケインジアン(=RANK)モデルがマクロの振る舞いの良い近似になるという。

*1:Two-Agent New Keynesian。


というNBER論文(原題は「Inflation Targets: Practice Ahead of Theory」)を元イングランド銀行BOE)総裁のマーヴィン・キング(Mervyn A. King)が上げている。リクスバンクのサイトに5月23-24日のコンファレンス用に用意されたungated版スライドが上がっているが、非常に大雑把に大意をまとめると、インフレ目標は実務的に成功したため、理論がそれに毒されてしまった、という趣旨である。

  1. モデルベースのインフレや他の変数の予測を行う際、政策の信頼性について異なる仮定を追究せよ
    • 現在、多くの予測は、インフレが常に2%に戻ると仮定しているモデルを用いて作成されている。それは2%が目標であるためだが、インフレ期待が目標に戻るのにかなり時間を要する経路を辿るという仮定に基づく追加的な予測を出すことも理に適っている。
      • 少なくともそれは、インフレの短期の動学が長期的なインフレのアンカーに関する仮定にどれほど敏感かを明らかにする。
    • そうしたシミュレーションは政策委員会に提示されるスタッフ分析で定期的に出されるべき。
    • 理想を言えば、信頼性は外生ではなく内生変数となるのが望ましい。
  2. 予測を提示する際は、中心的な予測よりもその周辺のリスクに重きを置くべし
    • バーナンキBOEレビュー*1でもそれを推奨していた。
    • BOEが長年提示していたファンチャートに中心的な予測を示す線が無かったのはその表れだった。
      • しかしバーナンキが指摘するように、2013年以降、BOEはそれまでとは逆に、中心的な予測を強調してリスクを控えめに提示するようになってしまった*2
  3. 人生いろいろ、リスクの提示方法もいろいろ
    • バーナンキはファンチャートをアドホックっぽいということで嫌っており、様々なシナリオを提示する方法を勧めたが、グッドハート(Charles Goodhart)の言うように潜在的なシナリオは非常に多く、そこから選択するのはもっとアドホックっぽいのではないか*3
    • ファンチャートかシナリオか、というのは経済学ではなく好みの問題に過ぎない。両者は代替財ではなく補完財である。
      • FRBBOEも2020-2021年に金融引き締めの必要性を過小評価した。FRBはドットチャートを使い、BOEはファンチャートを使ったが、判断を誤ったことに違いは無かった。
  4. フォワドガイダンスを放棄せよ
    • 金融政策のツールとしてフォワドガイダンスは危険。
    • かつてフォワドガイダンスは失業率の経路だけを実体経済の対象変数としていたが、トラブルを引き起こした。市場は騙されたと感じれば中銀を大いに非難する。
    • 経済の経路が不確実である以上、将来の政策金利など中銀は分からない。
      • 2022年3月にFOMCメンバーが予測した2023年のFF金利のレンジは2.4-3.1%だったが、結果は5%超だった。
    • ただ、中銀は自分の反応関数は分かっている。フォワドガイダンスはその反応関数と中銀の経済予測を合成したもので、そこから得られるものは無く、多くの信頼性が失われる。
      • 市場はその反応関数に自分の経済予測を当てはめて将来の金利の推移を推計するが、市場の経済予測は中銀の経済予測と違っているだろう。
    • 中銀は3年後の政策金利ではなく現在の政策金利の設定に集中するべき。故マーヴィン・グッドフレンド(Marvin Goodfriend)と自分は、リクスバンクへの金融政策に関するレポート*4で、3年後にあるべき金利の議論で目の前の政策決定から政策委員会の注意が逸れることが如何に損害をもたらすかを示した。
    • 経済の現状についてのナラティブを、会合ごと、レポートごとに構築することの方がもっと大事。
  5. 金融変数、特に広義の通貨供給量の推移を定期的に公表せよ
    • インフレは名目変数であり、広義の通貨供給量は、政策決定を支えるナラティブの説得力を確認する上で有用。
    • これは、オトマール・イッシング*5がECBの創設に当たって提示した金融政策の「2本柱」アプローチに類似している。
      • イッシングは後に、通貨供給量を政策目標としないことは、通貨供給量と物価との間の長期的な関係を示す大量の証拠と、金融政策が通貨供給量と何らかの関係があるという否定しがたい事実を無視することを意味するものではなく、M3の伸びの逸脱は、機械的な金融政策の反応のトリガーとはならないにせよ、そうした展開の背後にある原因を識別するためのさらなる分析を促すものとなる、と書いている*6
  6. 金融政策会合のトランスクリプトの公表をやめよ
    • 現在FRBBOEがこれを行っているが、内密の会話の余地は残すべき。
    • トランスクリプトの公表は透明性を増すものではなく、本当の会話を、より早期の別の会合に移させることによって政策プロセスを歪めるだけである。公表に備え、会合での参加者の発言は以前の繰り返しになり、本当の会話における自発性は失われる。


The theory of inflation targets gradually evolved in a different direction. It shed any focus on developments in the nominal side of the economy and explained inflation in terms solely of real variables with the sole nominal variable being the inflation target. The growth of nominal demand was sidelined. In other words, it assumed that policymakers would always do the right thing. But if policymakers pursued a policy that was likely to lead to inflation moving above target – as I would argue occurred in their response to the pandemic when a reduction in aggregate supply was accompanied by a policy to boost aggregate demand way beyond anything that would maintain a balance between the two – the credibility of the inflation target would be challenged.
Now is the time for central banks to take a gentle step back from being in thrall to the latest theoretical advance and avoid becoming the slaves of living economists.

*1:cf. Forecasting for monetary policy making and communication at the Bank of England: a review | Bank of England


*3:cf. これ

*4:cf. Review of the Riksbank's Monetary Policy 2010-2015 (Rapport från riksdagen 2015/16:RFR7) | Sveriges riksdag

*5:cf. Otmar Issing - Wikipedia

*6:cf. これ

*7:これはもちろん、ケインズの有名な言葉「Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.」のもじり。


という趣旨のNBER論文が上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエンungated(SSRN)版)。論文のタイトルは「One Cohort at a Time: A New Perspective on the Declining Gender Pay Gap」で、著者はJaime Arellano-Bover(イェール大)、Nicola Bianchi(ノースウエスタン大)、Salvatore Lattanzio(イタリア銀行)、Matteo Paradisi(エイナウディ経済金融研究所*1)。

Our examination of the evolution of the gender pay gap over the past four decades reveals a complex story marked by both progress and weakening in worker conditions. The conventional wisdom attributes the steep narrowing of the gender pay gap observed between the 1970s and 1990s to substantial improvements in women’s earnings and labor market outcomes. A halt in such improvements is then generally considered to be the primary reason behind the more recent slowdown in the closing of the gender gap. Instead, our research suggests that both the decline and the halt in the convergence of the gender pay gap are linked to a worsening in the careers of younger workers, particularly younger men, who have faced widening age pay gaps, lower promotion rates, and declining lifetime earnings.
To explore these dynamics, we developed a conceptual framework linking an increased supply of older workers in higher-paying jobs to a smaller gender pay gap among younger workers. Consistent with the importance of cross-cohort effects, we show that the entirety of the decline in the gender pay gap can be attributed to newer cohorts who entered the labor market with smaller gender differentials and to older cohorts who exited the labor market with larger differentials.
Importantly, our study challenges the assumption that the decline in the gender pay gap primarily reflects improved opportunities for women. Instead, we argue that the aging of the workforce has disproportionately and negatively affected younger men because, at baseline, they were more likely to find employment in the type of jobs occupied by an increasing stock of older workers. The data confirm that it was a significant decline in opportunities for younger men, rather than substantial gains for younger women, that drove the convergence in labor-market outcomes that occurred in the 1970s through the mid-1990s. After this point, the remaining gender gap at labor-market entry reflected mostly gender differences in educational choices, rather than differences in initial job allocations. Therefore, further increases in the number of older workers has continued to create bottlenecks to the careers of all younger workers, but not differentially between men and women.
In conclusion, our findings paint a nuanced picture of the dynamics of the gender pay gap. Despite the many prior policies that intended to boost women’s position in the wage distribution, our findings caution against interpreting the progressive shrinkage of the gender pay gap as a sign of improved opportunities for women. The design of future gender-responsive policies should strongly consider the outcomes of younger women at or immediately after labor-market entry, because those outcomes represent a largely untapped source for improving gender equality.


というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエンungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「The Macroeconomics of Narratives」で、著者はJoel P. Flynn(イェール大)、Karthik Sastry(プリンストン大)*1

This paper studies the macroeconomic implications of contagious narratives. We develop a conceptual framework in which narratives form building blocks of agents’ beliefs, affect agents’ decisions, and spread contagiously and associatively between agents. We develop a narrative business-cycle model and find that narratives can generate non-fundamentally driven boom-bust cycles and hysteresis. To take this model to the data, we measure narratives among US firms. We find that contagious and associative narrative optimism affects firms’ decisions and beliefs without representing news about fundamentals. When we calibrate the model to match the data, we find that the business-cycle implications of narratives are quantitatively significant: measured declines in optimism account for approximately 32% of the peak-to-trough decline in output over the early 2000s recession and 18% over the Great Recession. Finally, we show that the interaction of many simultaneously evolving and highly contagious narratives, some of which are individually prone to hysteresis, can nevertheless underlie stable fluctuations in emergent optimism and output. Taken together, our analysis shows that narratives may be a significant cause of the business cycle.

*1:注意循環 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文の著者に同じ。

*2:論文冒頭ではナラティブを「we define narratives as subjective and potentially incorrect models of the world. By altering beliefs, narratives influence economic actions such as hiring.」と定義・説明し、その淵源は少なくともケインズの一般理論における、「自発的な楽観主義(spontaneous optimism)」の波が生成する景気循環まで遡れる、としている。

*3:感染性と連想性について論文では、前注のようにナラティブを定義した直後に、以下のように説明している。「we allow narratives to gain or lose prevalence over time for two distinct reasons: direct feedback from their prevalence, as in epidemiological models, and indirect feedback from the economic activity that narratives induce, as in models of learning. We refer to these forces as contagiousness and associativeness, respectively.」

*4:本文によると、年次報告書(end-of-year 10-K reports)と決算説明(earnings conference calls)を用いたとの由。

*5:本文では「narrative hysteresis」を「history determines whether the economy is optimistic and high-output or pessimistic and low-output」と説明している。


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Exchange Rate Disconnect Revisited」で、著者はRyan Chahrour(コーネル大)、Vito Cormun(サンタクララ大)、Pierre De Leo(メリーランド大)、Pablo A. Guerrón-Quintana(ボストン大)、Rosen Valchev(同)。

We find that variation in expected U.S. productivity explains over half of U.S. dollar/G7 exchange rate fluctuations. Both correctly-anticipated changes in productivity and expectational noise, which influences the expectation of productivity but not its eventual realization, have large effects. This “noisy news” is primarily related to medium-to-long-run TFP growth, and transmits to the exchange rate by causing significant deviations from uncovered interest parity. Together, these disturbances generate many well-known exchange puzzles, including predictable excess returns, low Backus-Smith correlations, and excess volatility. Our findings suggest these puzzles have a common origin, linked to productivity expectations.

コンビニエンスイールドと為替相場のパズル - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文では、コンビニエンスイールドを為替相場の各種パズルを解くカギとしていたが、ここでは3から5年先の予想ノイズ込みのTFPをそのカギとしている。


*1:cf. 何が為替を動かすのか? - himaginary’s diary



というNBER論文が上がっているungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「U.S. Liquid Government Liabilities and Emerging Market Capital Flows」で、著者はAnnie Soyean Lee(ジョンズホプキンズ大)、Charles Engel(ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校)。

Empirical work finds that flows of investments from the U.S. and other high income countries to emerging markets increase during times of quantitative easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve, and the reverse movement occurs under quantitative tightening. We offer new evidence to confirm these findings, and then propose a theory based on the liquidity of U.S. government liabilities held by the public. We hypothesize that QE, by increasing liquidity, offers greater flexibility for investors that might be concerned their funds will be tied up when shocks to income or investment opportunities arise. With the assurance that some of their portfolio can be readily sold in liquid markets, rich country investors are more willing to increase investments in illiquid loans to emerging markets. The effect of increasing the liquidity of U.S. government liabilities on investments in EMs may even be stronger during times of greater uncertainty.