
ウォッチメンTVシリーズのテーマともなったタルサ人種虐殺(cf. タルサ人種虐殺 - Wikipedia*1)の経済的影響を取り上げた表題のNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「After the Burning: The Economic Effects of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre」で、著者はAlex Albright(ハーバード大)、Jeremy Cook(ウィートン大)、James Feigenbaum(ボストン大)、Laura Kincaide(ハーバード大)、Jason Long(ウィートン大)、Nathan Nunn(ハーバード大)。

The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre resulted in the looting, burning, and leveling of 35 square blocks of a once-thriving Black neighborhood. Not only did this lead to severe economic loss, but the massacre also sent a warning to Black individuals across the country that similar events were possible in their communities. We examine the economic consequences of the massacre for Black populations in Tulsa and across the United States. We find that for the Black population of Tulsa, in the two decades that followed, the massacre led to declines in home ownership and occupational status. Outside of Tulsa, we find that the massacre also reduced home ownership. These effects were strongest in communities that were more exposed to newspaper coverage of the massacre or communities that, like Tulsa, had high levels of racial segregation. Examining effects after 1940, we find that the direct negative effects of the massacre on the home ownership of Black Tulsans, as well as the spillover effects working through newspaper coverage, persist and actually widen in the second half of the 20th Century.



アレックス・タバロックが9/3付けMRブログエントリで、豪州のロックダウンは行き過ぎ、という主旨のアトランティック記事を紹介している(タイラー・コーエンもその少し前に「Has Australia gone too far?(豪州はやり過ぎたのか?)」というコメントを添えて同記事にリンクしている)。タバロックは、「今や豪州は世界で最も専制主義的な国の一つになった(Australia is now one of the most authoritarian states in the world)」というやや刺激的な文でエントリを書き出している。

Instead, Australia invested inadequately in vaccines and, once it acquired doses, was too slow to get them into arms. “Of the 16 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine that have been released to the government by manufacturer CSL, only about 8 million have gone into the arms of Australians,” The Age reported on August 21, citing concern about blood clots and a widespread preference for the Pfizer vaccine.


At the end of 2020, as vaccines were rolling out en masse in the Northern Hemisphere, the TGA [Therapeutic Goods Administration, AT] flatly refused to issue the emergency authorisations other regulators did. As a result, the TGA didn’t approve the Pfizer vaccine until January 25, more than six weeks after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), itself not exactly the poster child of expeditiousness.
Similarly, the TGA didn’t approve the AstraZeneca vaccine until February 16, almost seven weeks after the UK.
In case you’re wondering “what difference does six weeks make?“, think again. Were our rollout six weeks faster, the current Sydney outbreak would likely never have exploded, saving many lives and livelihoods. In the face of an exponentially spreading virus that has become twice as infectious, six weeks is an eternity. And, indeed, nothing has changed. The TGA approved the Moderna vaccine this week, eight months after the FDA.



ということを理論的に示したNBER論文「Vaccine Hesitancy, Passports and the Demand for Vaccination」を少し前にJoshua S. Gans(トロント大)が上げている。以下はその要旨。

Vaccine hesitancy is modelled as an endogenous decision within a behavioural SIR model with endogenous agent activity. It is shown that policy interventions that directly target costs associated with vaccine adoption may counter vaccine hesitancy while those that manipulate the utility of unvaccinated agents will either lead to the same or lower rates of vaccine adoption. This latter effect arises with vaccine passports whose effects are mitigated in equilibrium by reductions in viral/disease prevalence that themselves reduce the demand for vaccination.


というNBER論文をジェフリー・フランケルらが上げている。原題は「The Virus, Vaccination, and Voting」で、著者はJeffrey A. Frankel、Randy Kotti(いずれもハーバード大)。

Vaccination rates have a statistically significant downward effect on the Covid-19 death rate across US counties, as of August 12, 2021. Controlling for poverty rates, age, and temperature lowers the magnitude of the estimate a little. Using the Biden-Trump vote in the 2020 election as an instrument for vaccination rates raises the magnitude of the estimate. Presumably it corrects for a positive effect of observed local Covid deaths on the decision to get vaccinated. Overall, the estimated beneficial effect holds up and has risen over time.


それって本当にクズネッツ曲線なの? 中国の所得格差のターニングポイント

というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Is that Really a Kuznets Curve? Turning Points for Income Inequality in China」で、著者はMartin Ravallion(ジョージタウン大)、Shaohua Chen(厦門大)。

The path of income inequality in post-reform China has been widely interpreted as “China’s Kuznets curve.” We show that the Kuznets growth model of structural transformation in a dual economy, alongside population urbanization, has little explanatory power for our new series of inequality measures back to 1981. Our simulations tracking the partial “Kuznets derivative” of inequality with respect to urban population share yield virtually no Kuznets curve. More plausible explanations for the inequality turning points relate to determinants of the gap between urban and rural mean incomes, including multiple agrarian policy reforms. Our findings warn against any presumption that the Kuznets process will assure that China has passed its time of rising inequality. More generally, our findings cast doubt on past arguments that economic growth through structural transformation in poor countries is necessarily inequality increasing, or that a turning point will eventually be reached after which that growth will be inequality decreasing.




タイラー・コーエンも取り上げているが、表題のNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Value of Statistical Life: A Meta-analysis of Meta-analyses」で、著者はジョージア州立大のH. Spencer Banzhaf。

The Value of Statistical Life (VSL) is arguably the most important number in benefit-cost analyses of environmental, health, and transportation policies. However, agencies have used a wide range of VSL values. One reason may be the embarrassment of riches when it comes to VSL studies. While meta-analysis is a standard way to synthesize information across studies, we now have multiple competing meta-analyses and reviews. Thus, to analysts, picking one such meta-analysis may feel as hard as picking a single "best study." This paper responds by taking the meta-analysis another step, estimating a meta-analysis (or mixture distribution) of six meta-analyses. The baseline model yields a central VSL of $7.0m, with a 90% confidence interval of $2.4m to $11.2m. The provided code allows users to easily change subjective weights on the studies, add new studies, or change adjustments for income, inflation, and latency.



アセモグルのNBER論文をもう一丁。以下はDaron Acemoglu(MIT)、Tuomas Pekkarinen(アールト大)、Kjell G. Salvanes(ノルウェー経済高等学院)、Matti Sarvimäki(アールト大)による表題の論文(原題は「The Making of Social Democracy: The Economic and Electoral Consequences of Norway’s 1936 Folk School Reform」、ungated版)の要旨。

Upon assuming power for the first time in 1935, the Norwegian Labour Party delivered on its promise of a major schooling reform. The reform raised minimum instruction time in less developed rural areas and boosted the resources available to rural schools, reducing class size and increasing teacher salaries. We document that cohorts more intensively affected by the reform significantly increased their education and experienced higher labor income. Our main result is that the schooling reform also substantially increased support for the Norwegian Labour Party in subsequent elections. This additional support persisted for several decades and was pivotal in maintaining support for the social democratic coalition in Norway. These results are not driven by the direct impact of education and are not explained by higher turnout, or greater attention or resources from the Labour Party targeted towards the municipalities most affected by the reform. Rather, our evidence suggests that cohorts that benefited from the schooling reform, and their parents, rewarded the party for delivering a major reform that was beneficial to them.