というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Misallocation and Asset Prices」で、著者はWinston Wei Dou(ペンシルベニア大)、Yan Ji, Di Tian(香港科技大)、Pengfei Wang(同)。
We develop an endogenous growth model with heterogeneous firms facing financial frictions, where misallocation emerges explicitly as a crucial endogenous state variable and plays a significant role in driving economic growth through the valuation channel. The model illustrates that transient macroeconomic shocks affecting misallocation can yield persistent effects on aggregate growth. In equilibrium, slow-moving misallocation endogenously generates long-run uncertainty about economic growth by distorting innovation decisions. When agents hold recursive preferences, misallocation-driven low-frequency growth fluctuations result in substantial risk premia in capital markets and large losses in consumer welfare. Employing a misallocation measure motivated by the model, we substantiate our findings with empirical evidence showing that misallocation effectively captures low-frequency fluctuations in both aggregate growth and asset returns.
*1:cf. エプスタイン–ジン型選好 - Wikipedia。
*2:導入部では「Specifically, in our model, misallocation is characterized by the covariance between the log marginal revenue product of capital (MRPK) and log capital, normalized by the variance of log MRPK. ...Motivated by our theory, we construct a misallocation measure based on the covariance between log MRPK and log capital using U.S. Compustat data.」と説明している。