
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「The Distributional Effects of Asset Returns」で、著者はJesús Fernández-Villaverde(ペンシルベニア大)、Oren Levintal(ライマン大*1)。

We study the distributional effects of asset returns using a heterogeneous-agent model estimated to match the joint distribution of wealth and returns. In the model, endogenous portfolio decisions play a key role through their impact on households' wealth accumulation. We find substantial welfare effects of changes in asset returns. A permanent decline of one percentage point in expected returns increases the consumption share of the top 10% by 6% permanently. Our findings suggest that lower returns increase inequality, which contradicts Piketty's (2014) r-g formula. To resolve this contradiction, we derive a generalized formula that includes the consumption/wealth ratio and which is consistent with our empirical and theoretical findings. Nonetheless, wealth inequality within the Pareto tail is fairly insensitive to asset returns. Instead, inequality between the Pareto tail and the lower range of the distribution responds strongly to asset returns through their differential effects on active savings relative to wealth. Simulations suggest that asset price dynamics can explain the main variations in U.S. top wealth shares since the 1960s.

タイラー・コーエンは、「Our findings suggest that lower returns increase inequality, which contradicts Piketty’s (2014) r-g formula.」という部分を引用しつつこの論文にリンクしている(コーエンのピケティのr-gへの批判的な言辞については低金利環境における資産格差 - himaginary’s diaryピケティらが陥った所得データの陥穽?・続き - himaginary’s diaryも参照)。

*1:cf. Reichman University - Wikipedia

*2:本文の導入部では「We revisit Piketty and Zucman (2015) and derive an “extended Piketty formula,” whereby top wealth inequality is increasing in r −g −c, where c denotes the consumption/wealth ratio at the Pareto tail. The r − g formula is correct as long as the consumption/wealth ratio is fixed, which is the case in Piketty and Zucman (2015). However, when the consumption/wealth ratio is endogenous (as in our model), the general r − g −c formula applies.」と説明している。

*3:本文の注では「The active saving rate is defined as the ratio between savings out of labor income and wealth.」と説明している。

*4:前々注の引用部の続きでは「More importantly, we find that changes in key parameters affect r − g and c by roughly the same magnitude, so r−g−c hardly changes. Therefore, in our model, wealth inequality within the Pareto tail is fairly insensitive to asset returns. Nevertheless, inequality between the Pareto tail and the lower range of the distribution responds strongly to asset returns through their differential effects on active savings relative to wealth (“active saving rate”).
We draw two main conclusions. First, focusing on inequality within the Pareto tail may miss the full impact of asset returns on wealth inequality since most of the effect takes place at the lower range of the distribution. Second, these effects work mainly through changes in the active saving rate rather than the r − g − c formula.」と述べている(強調は原文)。