というAER掲載予定論文をタイラー・コーエンが紹介している。原題は「Populist Leaders and the Economy」で、著者はキール世界経済研究所のManuel Funke、Moritz Schularick*1、Christoph Trebesch。
Populism is bad economics. In this paper, we studied the macroeconomic history of populism since 1900. Our key finding is that populism has negative consequences for the economic and political pathways of countries. In the medium and long run, virtually all countries governed by populists witness subpar economic outcomes evidenced by a substantial decline in real GDP and consumption.
Protectionist trade policies, unsustainable debt dynamics, and the erosion of democratic institutions stand out as commonalities of populists in power, across region, era, and ideology. Populists typically deliver on their often anti-foreign rhetoric, enacting policies of economic nationalism and protectionism. We also find a significant decline in judiciary independence, election quality, and press and media freedom, damaging the innovation friendly economic environment of democracies (Acemoglu 2019). The fact that populist often change the institutional “rules” of the game helps explain why, despite their subpar economic performance, populists typically do not quickly “self-destruct”. Our new database of populist leaders opens up many new avenues for research on populism, its drivers and consequences.
*1:2023年6月より所長。それ以前はボン大学。cf. Prof. Dr. Moritz Schularick | Kiel Institute。
*3:民主主義と経済成長 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したインタビュー中で語られている論文。