というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「The Zero-Beta Interest Rate」で、著者はSebastian Di Tella(スタンフォード大)、Benjamin M. Hébert(同)、Pablo Kurlat(南カリフォルニア大)、Qitong Wang(同)。
The interest rate is one of the most important prices in a market economy. It captures the intertemporal price of goods and plays a central role in business cycles and monetary policy. In this paper we use equity returns to construct a measure of the interest rate that we call the zero-beta rate: the expected return of a stock portfolio orthogonal to the stochastic discount factor (SDF). Compared to safe rates, the zero-beta rate is high and volatile, and fits a stable aggregate consumption Euler equation remarkably well, both unconditionally and conditionally on monetary shocks. Furthermore, it is high, volatile, and persistent enough to explain the level and volatility of asset prices. We claim that the zero-beta rate is the correct intertemporal price.