というNBER論文をマイケル・ボルドーらが上げている(ungated版)。原題は「Central Bank Digital Currencies, an Old Tale With a New Chapter」で、著者はMichael D. Bordo(ラトガーズ大)、William Roberds(アトランタ連銀)。
We consider the debut of a new monetary instrument, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Drawing on examples from monetary history, we argue that a successful monetary transformation must combine microeconomic efficiency with macroeconomic credibility. A paradoxical feature of these transformations is that success in the micro dimension can encourage macro failure. Overcoming this paradox may require politically uncomfortable compromises. We propose that such compromises will be necessary for the success of CBDCs.
Trust therefore remains key to an asset’s monetary function, meaning that all money is to some extent fiduciary. This fact gives rise to a phenomenon we label “the monetary paradox”: the closer an asset comes to the monetary ideal, the fewer questions get asked and the opaquer it becomes; yet this same opacity creates a temptation for money producers (private and public) to undermine the quality of the asset via overissue. Micro monetary success breeds macro monetary mischief.