「中国製造2025」は中国のために機能しているか? 中国上場企業による実証結果

というNBER論文が上がっているungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Does "Made in China 2025" Work for China? Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms」で、著者はLee G. Branstetter(カーネギーメロン大)、Guangwei Li(上海科技大)。

Rising concern over the impact of Chinese industrial policy has led to severe trade tensions between China and some of its major trading partners. In recent years, foreign criticism has increasingly focused on the so-called "Made in China 2025" initiative. In this paper, we use information extracted from Chinese listed firms' financial reports and a difference-in-differences approach to examine how the "Made in China 2025" policy initiative has impacted firms' receipt of subsidies, R&D expenditure, patenting, productivity, and profitability. We find that while more innovation promotion subsidies seem to flow into the listed firms targeted by the policy, we see little statistical evidence of productivity improvement or increases in R&D expenditure, patenting and profitability. This paper suggests that the “Made in China 2025” initiative may have not yet achieved its target goals.