安倍元首相の銃撃事件についてニュージーランドのアーダーン首相の言葉が引用されるのを目にしたので、英語圏ではその言葉はどのように受け止められているのか知りたいと思ってぐぐったところ、Carmen Jacquesという人の1年前の表題の論説(原題は「Good communication the best weapon in a leader’s war on terror」)に行き当たった。以下はそこからの引用。
In response to the recent stabbing attack in a shopping centre in New Zealand, Prime Minister Ardern said: "What happened today was despicable, it was hateful it was wrong. It was carried out by an individual, not a faith."
Ardern then advocated for the perpetrator’s name to be released.
By contrast, when responding to the Christchurch Mosque attacks in 2019, she said: "I implore you, speak the names of those who were lost rather than the name of the man who took them. He is a terrorist. He is a criminal. He is an extremist. But he will, when I speak, be nameless."
That difference has little to do with specific motivations or mobilising ideologies of each attack (the Christchurch attack was from the far right, and the recent stabbings were ISIS inspired).
Instead, Ardern demonstrates an acute awareness of how her words might affect the broader New Zealand society.
While it might appear that she is contradicting herself, Ardern is using a different approach to communicate the same message of social cohesion.
Political elites focus on restoring order and social control after a national or global trauma.
The emotions triggered by the trauma tend to exaggerate existing divisions, in turn, cementing the false understandings of identity that may have led to the violence in the first place.
By not naming the Christchurch attacker, Ardern not only took the white nationalist hero narrative out of the frame, she also robbed him of the notoriety.
Instead, she focused her voice on healing and bringing the New Zealand community together.
Ardern stressed that those who were murdered were members of NZ society and should be mourned, and the survivors be brought into the fold and supported through this tragedy.
In the more recent event, Ardern wanted the perpetrator to be known, to be named and shamed. In naming this individual Ardern seeks to separate him from the larger NZ Muslim community. She wants him to be held accountable and responsible as an individual perpetrator.
There are many theories about the strategic benefits of violence, but all agree that terrorists want to divide society. They want threaten social cohesion by creating fear and generating racism, hatred and bigotry.
In response to this, it is vital to build community capacity to resist these aims by continuing to live peacefully together.
Ardern is a leader who understands this. She understands that if NZ society is to continue to be peaceful and inclusive, she must lead by example.
In a crisis every word counts.
[2022/9/27追記]こちらの事件後の声明でアーダーン首相は「No terrorist, whether alive or deceased, deserves their name to be shared for the infamy they were seeking.」と述べているので、オークランドの襲撃犯についてはアーダーン首相が名前の公表を望んだ、というのは事実誤認のように思われる。