
というNBER論文(原題は「Additive Growth」)をNYUのThomas Philipponが上げている。以下はungated版の結論部。

TFP growth is not exponential. New ideas add to our stock of knowledge; they do not multiply it. TFP has been growing linearly over the past 90 years in the US and the additive model beats the exponential model for every single country, developed or catching up, where TFP data is available. The TFP frontier appears to grow linearly within broad historical periods: 1650 to 1830, 1830 to 1930, and 1930 until today. Additive TFP growth predicts increasing growth of labor productivity and GDP per capita thanks to capital accumulation. This prediction also appears to be empirically accurate.
The evidence of additive growth speaks to the appropriate functional form for the innovation technology in models of endogenous growth. These models predict long term growth but do not predict that it is exponential. Models of quality ladders (Aghion and Howitt, 1992) assume an exponential ladder where the size of the next increment is proportional to the current level of quality. If we assume a linear ladder instead we obtain linear growth. The same is true with models of expanding varieties.
The additive growth model explains the observed TFP slowdown as a simple side effect of model misspecification. We should not have expected growth rates to be constant in the first place. The additive model does not necessarily solve the research productivity puzzle of Bloom et al. (2017) since this puzzle is not about the stochastic process for TFP but rather about the specification of the production function for ideas. Models where ideas are non-rival often imply a tight connection between growth and the quantity of research. These models predict accelerating growth – whether of the linear kind or not – from an increasing number of researchers.
Additive growth has implications for industry dynamics and structural transformation as in Baumol (1967), and for firms dynamics as in Luttmer (2007) and Gabaix (2011). Philippon (2022) provides some early evidence on these issues. Additive growth may also have important implications for investment and for the valuation of long term assets, such as stocks or pensions. The model predicts falling growth rates and falling interest rates so valuation and investment dynamics will depend on preferences.

式で言えば、AをTFP、gを成長率として従来はdAt = gAtdtを仮定していたが、実際はbを定数としてdAt = bdtに近い推移になっている、とのことである。
  Yt = AtKtα Lt1−α         (1)
  E [At+τ | At] = At (1 + g)τ     (2)
  E [At+τ | At] = At + bτ       (3)



  • このモデルはGDP成長率そのものではなくTFPの方に良くあてはまるが、GDP成長率は(少なくとも最近までは)先進国経済で確かに指数関数的だったように見える。論文のpp.21-22は、教育達成度の改善により20世紀のGDP成長は人工的に一度きりの嵩上げが行われた、と言っているように読めるが、これについてはさらなる検討が必要。
  • TFPに実体があるのか、それとも「イノベーション」と「投資」の恣意的な区別に基づく意味の乏しい残差に過ぎないのか、という問題。最近の観測されたTFPの低下は、単にイノベーションが明確な投資に具体化された結果に過ぎないのではないか? 論文はTFP概念を当然のものと考え過ぎてはいないか?




*2:cf. 例えばこれ

*3:cf. ここ



*6:これ。cf. ここ

*7:WP「Additive Growth and Industry Dynamics」(ネットでは見当たらず)。