@jasonfurman has a smart article making the point that in neither economic theory nor empirical experience does a hot economy produce higher real wages. The contrary idea is a Washington myth.
https://wsj.com/articles/even-in-a-hot-economy-wages-arent-keeping-up-with-inflation-unemployment-job-growth-federal-reserve-11649779113?reflink=desktopwebshare_twitter via @WSJOpinion
@asdomash and I demonstrate a corollary proposition: past a certain point, faster wage growth correlates with slower real wage growth. We are now having highest wage inflation and slowest real wage growth in decades.
The relation between nominal and real wage growth
By: Alex Domash¹ and Lawrence H. Summers²
Wage growth is a kind of super core measure of inflation. It is now running above 6 percent. Unless it slows down, which seems unlikely with rapidly tightening labor markets, hard to see how inflation stabilizes.
Can we enforce a rule for inflation commentators? No one who dismissed inflation fears a years ago on grounds of transitory movements in used car prices is allowed to celebrate low core inflation now without highlighting the significant role of used car prices.
インフレにコメントする人にあるルールを適用できないものか? 1年前に中古車価格の一時的な動きを理由にインフレ懸念を退けた人は、中古車価格の顕著な役割を強調することなしに今の低いコアインフレを言祝ぐべきではない*1。
Furman's article is very nice indeed. To clarify, "hot" driven by demand cannot produce much higher real wages -- prices rise faster. Real wages in the end must match productivity. A hot "supply" economy from higher productivity can raise real wages. Source of heat matters
But it’s still a weird puzzle that real productivity is up a fair bit from pre pandemic while real wages are not, isn’t it?
Productivity just barely above its pre-pandemic trend.
This is nominal productivity?
I’ve never heard of nominal productivity. This is real output per hour in the nonfarm business sector. The standard headline BLS series.
But then why compare real productivity to nominal compensation growth?
Real productivity is up 5% but real wages are down. That’s what seems odd.
- ファーマン
- 生産性はコロナ禍前のトレンドを少し上回っているに過ぎない。
- グールズビー
- これは名目生産性?
- ファーマン
- 名目生産性など聞いたことが無い。これは非農業部門の時間当たり実質生産である。労働統計局の標準的なヘッドライン系列である。
- グールズビー
- ではなぜ実質生産性を名目報酬の伸びと比べるのか?
ちなみに、「ではなぜ実質生産性を名目報酬の伸びと比べるのか?」というグールズビーの問い掛けに対しては、サマーズが「私の知る限りそんなことをしている人はいない(No one is doing that to my knowledge.)」と応じている。
My new study w @asdomash shows that nominal wage growth and real wage growth are historically not correlated. Indeed, faster nominal wage growth above 4 percent is associated with slower real wage growth.
We also show that historically nominal wage growth does not slow without a recession and that current wage growth implies sustained inflation above 5 percent.
Achieving a soft landing will be very difficult.