

This is part of a very thoughtful thread about stagflation risks, but this particular point is one I disagree with 1/
To start with what *does* worry me, it's mainly labor markets. High wages are good, but unsustainably high wage growth isn't 2/
This looks like an overheated labor market 3/
If we get to an economy where everyone gets 6% annual wage increases bc they expect everyone else to be getting 6% annual wage increases, that's stagflation 4/
The Putin disruption, less so — even though it is hurting real incomes everywhere. The theory of core inflation, in which swings in volatile prices like food and energy (and now used cars!) don't have much impact on longer-run inflation, has been a smashing success 5/
I'm not ready to drop that theory yet. By the way, that goes in both directions. There are early indications that the bullwhip effect may lead to a sharp drop in shipping rates and maybe even some commodity prices soon 6/
That could mean a fall in headline inflation — but would not end stagflation dangers if the job market stays this tight. So I would not advise the Fed to call off rate hikes after a couple of low CPI prints 7/
Much more important is whether the economy is cooling off — which it very well might. Fed funds rate has barely risen, but expectations have driven interest rates relevant to real activity much higher 8/
Likely to be a very confusing few months, and I may well find myself *less* dovish than some other economists 9/







Yesterday I warned that we may be about to see a drop-off in inflation because of the bullwhip effect, which will *not* mean that the underlying problem of an overheated economy is over 1/
Sure enough, people close to the data are seeing signs of a rather drastic turn in freight rates, and — possibly — making too much of them 2/
For example: 3/
For now, the Fed should keep calm and hike on — avoiding both panicky rate rises and premature easing 4/


*1:このデロングのツイートはThomas Levensonツイートを受けたもので、Levensonがインフレは部門によって様相が異なるので、サマーズのバイデンプラン悪玉論は部分的にしか当てはまらないのではないか、と述べたのに対し、インフレは特定の部門から始まるかもしれないが、1970年代のように部門を超えて自己継続的に波及することがサマーズの懸念するところだ、と解説している。ちなみにLevensonのツイートは、そのサマーズの議論を取り上げたJohn Cassidyのニューヨーカー記事(cf. Cassidyの紹介ツイート)を受けている。

*2:cf. ブルウィップ効果 - Wikipedia