
マンキューが少し前のブログエントリで、2つの論文を基に、米議会が約5000億ドルを支出した給与保護プログラム(Paycheck Protection Program=PPP)に否定的な評価を下している。
まず彼は、Chetty et al.の論文から以下の一節を引用している。

We therefore conclude that the PPP had little material impact on employment at small businesses: we cannot rule out a small positive employment effect of the program (of e.g., 3-4 pp on employment rates), but it is clear that the program did not restore the vast majority of jobs that were lost following the COVID shock.

次いで彼はAutor et al.を参照している。彼は、こちらの論文はより肯定的なトーンであることを認めつつも、以下の一節を引用している。

Our benchmark estimates imply that each job supported by the PPP cost between $162K and $381K through May 2020, with our preferred employment estimate implying a cost of $224K per job supported.



While this is a substantial cost per job supported, it would be premature to offer a cost-benefit analysis of the PPP at this time. The long-run economic effect of the PPP will depend, in substantial part, on the evolution of employment at treated versus untreated employers over the longer run. PPP may, for example, have preserved valuable intangible capital, which would have positive long-run economic effects that are not detectable this early in the recovery process. An important and challenging set of questions is whether jobs and businesses supported by PPP will persist after the program ends; whether those businesses would have persisted absent PPP; and, had they been allowed to fail, whether new jobs and businesses would have rapidly emerged to replace them. Future work will seek to address these questions using outcome data over a longer time span.