
というNBER論文が上がっている(2016/9CSEF-EIEF-SITE金融労働セミナーでのプレゼン資料同討論者資料CSEFサイト]、2016夏NBERセミナーでの討論者資料)。原題は「Financial Frictions and Employment during the Great Depression」で、著者はノースウエスタン大のEfraim Benmelech、Carola Frydman、Dimitris Papanikolaou。

We provide new evidence that a disruption in credit supply played a quantitatively significant role in the unprecedented contraction of employment during the Great Depression. To analyze the role of financing frictions in firms' employment decisions, we use a novel, hand-collected dataset of large industrial firms. Our identification strategy exploits preexisting variation in the need to raise external funds at a time when public bond markets essentially froze. Local bank failures inhibited firms' ability to substitute public debt for private debt, which exacerbated financial constraints. We estimate a large and negative causal effect of financing frictions on firm employment. Interpreting the estimated elasticities through the lens of a simple structural model, we find that the lack of access to credit may have accounted for 10% to 33% of the aggregate decline in employment of large firms between 1928 and 1933.