汚染は企業価値を最大化するのか? デュポンの場合

というNBER論文をジンガレスらが上げているungated版関連ProMarket記事)。原題は「Is Pollution Value-Maximizing? The DuPont Case」で、著者はRoy ShapiraIDCヘルズリヤ)、Luigi Zingales(シカゴ大)。

DuPont, one of the most respectable U.S. companies, caused environmental damage that ended up costing the company around a billion dollars. By using internal company documents disclosed in trials we rule out the possibilities that this bad outcome was due to ignorance, an unexpected realization, or a problem of bad governance. The documents rather suggest that the polluting was a rational decision: under reasonable probabilities of detection, polluting was ex-ante optimal from the company’s perspective, even if the cost of preventing pollution was lower than the cost of the health damages produced. We then examine why different mechanisms of control – legal liability, regulation, and reputation – all failed to deter a behavior that was inefficient from a social point of view. One common reason for the failures of deterrence mechanisms is that the company controls most of the information and its release. We then sketch potential ways to mitigate this problem.