というNBER論文が上がっている(6月時点のungated版)。原題は「Let the Worst One Fail: A Credible Solution to the Too-Big-To-Fail Conundrum」で、著者はNYUのThomas PhilipponとOlivier Wang。
We study time-consistent bank resolution mechanisms. When interventions are ex post efficient, a government cannot commit not to inject capital into the banking system. Contrary to common wisdom, we show that the government may still avoid moral hazard and implement the first best allocation by using the distribution of bailouts across banks to provide ex ante incentives. In particular, we analyze properties of credible tournament mechanisms that provide support to the best performing banks and resolve the worst performing ones, including through mergers. Our mechanism continues to perform well if banks are partially substitutable, and if they are heterogeneous in their size, interconnections, and thus systemic risk, as long as bailout funds can be targeted to particular banks.
When we assume, as in the existing literature, that bailout funds are distributed in a symmetric way across banks, we obtain the standard moral hazard results ...
In stark contrast to the conventional results, we then show that we can implement the first best equilibrium by conditioning government support on a relative performance mechanism such as a rank-order tournament, in banks performing above the median gets a higher m than banks performing below the median. The scheme is fully time consistent since it takes as given the overall size of the bailout.
Our baseline framework assumes that banks are highly substitutable, in the sense that capital surpluses in one bank can compensate for capital shortfall in another.