
ペンシルベニア州立大学の平野敬祐(Keisuke Hirano)教授とジョンズ・ホプキンス大学のジョナサン・H・ライト(Jonathan H.Wright)教授が共著した論文「Forecasting with Model Uncertainty」がエコノメトリカに掲載されたことを、表題のブログエントリ(原題は「On Pseudo Out-of-Sample Model Selection」)でFrancis Dieboldが祝している

  • 疑似的なアウトオブサンプル手法(サンプル拡張、サンプル分割)による予測モデル選択における非効率性の原因を厳密な形で特徴付け、Diebold(2015)WP)のような直観的な議論に極めて有益な正確性を付け加えたこと
  • 建設的な話として、ある種のシミュレーションに基づく推計量(バギング*1を含む)が、非効率性を完全に削減できないまでも顕著に減らせることを示したこと


When forecasting using k potential predictors, each of which has a coefficient that is local to zero, there are several competing methods, none of which is most accurate uniformly in the localization parameter, which is in turn not consistently estimable. Optimizing the in-sample fit, as measured by the Akaike information criterion, generally does better than out-of-sample or split-sample methods. However, the out-of-sample and split-sample methods can be improved substantially by removing the impact of an ancillary noise term that appears in their limit representations, either through Rao-Blackwellization or bagging. Rao-Blackwellization uniformly lowers asymptotic risk of the out-of-sample and split-sample methods. For important ranges of the local parameters, these modified procedures are very competitive with in-sample methods.

*1:cf. Bootstrap aggregating - Wikipedia

Our third approach uses a large-sample approximation that models uncertainty about γ as being the same order of magnitude as sampling uncertainty. The econometric jargon for this strategy is that γ is treated as being `local-to-zero.'

*3:cf. Rao–Blackwell theorem - Wikipedia