
Francis Dieboldが20年ほど前にベイズ主義の代表的な計量経済学者と意見交換をしていた時、その学者が突然以下のようなことを言ってDieboldを驚かせたという

There must be something about Bayesian analysis that stifles creativity. It seems that frequentists invent all the great stuff, and Bayesians just trail behind, telling them how to do it right.


... frequentists are in the habit of inventing easily computed, intuitively appealing estimators and then deriving their properties without insisting that the method whose properties they derive is optimal. ... Bayesians are more likely to go from model to optimal inference, [but] they don't have to, and [they] ought to work more on Bayesian analysis of methods based on conveniently calculated statistics.