という論文(原題は「Dual Regression」)をFrancis Dieboldが取り上げ、一般最小二乗法における通常の二次の損失関数を、それと似ているが違うものに変更した論文、と解説している。論文では定式化が正しい場合と間違っている場合について興味深い特性が導出されているとのことだが、Dieboldは以下のように書いて慎重な受け止め方をしている。
Generally we're comfortable with quadratic loss, in which case OLS delivers the goods (the conditional mean or linear projection) in large samples under great generality (e.g., see here). The dual regression estimator, in contrast, has a different probability limit under misspecification -- it's not providing a KLIC-optimal approximation.
...Certainly there is nothing sacred about quadratic loss, even if the conditional mean is usually a natural predictor. We sometimes move to absolute-error loss (conditional median predictor), check-function loss (conditional quantile predictor), or all sorts of other predictive loss functions depending on the situation. But movements away from conditional mean or median prediction generally require some justification and interpretation. Equivalently, movements away from quadratic or absolute predictive loss generally require some justification and interpretation.