ブランシャールのNBER論文をもう一丁。以下は、4日エントリで紹介したコーエンの議論でリンクされていた表題のNBER論文の要旨(原題は「Are Capital Inflows Expansionary or Contractionary? Theory, Policy Implications, and Some Evidence」;IMFのWP;著者はOlivier Blanchard、Jonathan D. Ostry、Atish R. Ghosh、Marcos Chamon[ブランシャール以外はIMF])。
The workhorse open-economy macro model suggests that capital inflows are contractionary because they appreciate the currency and reduce net exports. Emerging market policy makers however believe that inflows lead to credit booms and rising output, and the evidence appears to go their way. To reconcile theory and reality, we extend the set of assets included in the Mundell-Fleming model to include both bonds and non-bonds. At a given policy rate, inflows may decrease the rate on non-bonds, reducing the cost of financial intermediation, potentially offsetting the contractionary impact of appreciation. We explore the implications theoretically and empirically, and find support for the key predictions in the data.
[7/18追記]この論文に対応するVoxEU記事は、ここで紹介したように、政府の信認への認識を巡るサマーズのクルーグマン批判で援用されている。そして皮肉なことに、上記のIMF論文は、サマーズが槍玉に挙げたクルーグマンのマンデル=フレミング講演を、別の文脈(=理論上は資本流入が収縮的である点)においてではあるが、冒頭で援用している(=注2「Symmetrically, using such a model, Paul Krugman argues in his 2013 Mundell Fleming lecture that capital outflows are expansionary」)。