
一昨日昨日のエントリで紹介したSteven PearlsteinによるWaPo記事では、「IMFが完全に新規の一連の考えに門戸を開く上で、オリビエは重要な役割を果たした(“Olivier’s played an important role in opening up the Fund to a whole new set of ideas.”)」というスティグリッツの言葉が紹介されている。そうした新規の考え方として記事では、資本規制、格差と経済成長の関係、4%のインフレ目標、および反緊縮策を挙げている*1



In early 2010, the research department began churning out studies showing the dangers created by hot-money flows and cataloguing successful experiments to control them. Although labeled “staff discussion notes,” such studies are often viewed as statements of Fund policy, and publishing them required the acquiescence of other, more powerful departments that were also staffed by economists who didn’t appreciate the interference on their turf.
“At times, it was like trench warfare,” Blanchard said of the bureaucratic wrangling over capital controls. “It was exhausting.” In the end, the IMF declared that a country might consider capital controls, but only after it has tried a dozen other strategies — and even then only if they were drawn so as not to favor domestic investors over foreign ones. But within the Fund it was an early, if partial, victory for Blanchard. The Fund would eventually lend its imprimatur to capital controls in Brazil, Iceland and Cyprus.
「時には塹壕戦の様相を呈しました」と資本規制をめぐる官僚的な論争についてブランシャールは言う。「とても疲れるものでした。」 最終的にIMFは、各国は資本規制を考慮しても良い、と言明した。ただし、他の数多の方策を試した後に限り、かつ、国内投資家を海外投資家よりも優先しない形に限る、という条件付きだった。だがIMF内部においては、それはブランシャールの初期の勝利――部分的な勝利かもしれないが――であった。IMFは最終的に、ブラジル、アイスランド、キブロスで資本規制を認可することになる。


Blanchard was initially skeptical of the preliminary analysis showing that countries with more inequality experienced slower growth. He worried that the correlation was too weak, or too dependent on a handful of unusual cases, and he suspected that it was just as likely that slow growth caused inequality as the other way around.
It took several years to persuade him, but Blanchard finally signed off on a paper concluding that inequality was an important factor in economic growth rates, with high levels of inequality resulting in growth that is likely to be “low and unsustainable.” The researchers also found no evidence that the level of government redistribution typically found in Europe or North America had any adverse impact on growth rates. Now widely cited and often downloaded, the paper has become the touchstone for what Jonathan Ostry, its lead author, only half-jokingly calls the “kinder, gentler IMF.”


Meanwhile, Blanchard had raised eyebrows when he suggested that the Federal Reserve and other central banks aim for inflation rates of 4 percent rather than the 2 percent target now commonly used. ...
“There’s nothing scientific about 2 percent,” Blanchard said. “It comes from nowhere. It’s completely made up.” Although academic economists have been intrigued, central bankers have not been rushing to pick up on his very Keynesian idea.
「2%には科学的根拠は全く存在しない」とブランシャールは述べた。「それはどこからともなく現れた。完全に人為的なものだ。」 この議論に学界の経済学者たちは刺激を受けたが、中央銀行家たちは彼の非常にケインジアン的な考えを急いで採用しようとはしなかった。


Blanchard, in fact, had once defended the idea of “expansionary austerity,” but he limited it to circumstances in which previous governments had been reckless in their spending and now presented credible plans for reining it in. But such conditions did not apply to Britain, Germany and the United States. So beginning in 2011, Blanchard’s research department began churning out a series of studies showing that, in most advanced countries, fiscal austerity was a bad idea.

