

What Blanchard learned was that to prevail in a large, entrenched bureaucracy such as the IMF, being the best economist, presenting the best argument or the most compelling data, was not enough to win the day — you also needed allies. He began meeting regularly and informally with directors and staff in other departments, along with influential members of the IMF’s board of directors, in an attempt to win converts for his less orthodox policy ideas.

Under Blanchard, the research department gained a seat at the table where IMF decisions were made. Strauss-Kahn said that at his meetings with top lieutenants, Blanchard “very quickly took the lead, and his opinion prevailed eight out of 10 times.”

In his own shop, Blanchard pushed the 100 staff economists to be less academic and focus their research on questions of immediate concern, with answers to be delivered in a month, a week or even over the weekend. By all accounts, he raised the bar on the quality of IMF research, demanding more rigor in the analysis, along with greater clarity. When one of his colleagues hit a dead end, Blanchard was not above taking out pencil and paper and spending an evening writing out a mathematical model — not the kind of thing research directors traditionally do.

For an academic who had spent a career searching for economic truth, having to reconcile the supposedly scientific insights of economics with political and bureaucratic realities proved even more challenging than Blanchard had anticipated. What he found most surprising, he said during a relaxing moment on Re, was how quickly a consensus can develop around some question on the basis of what decision-makers read in the press or hear over dinner. People on the outside, he said, have no idea how much time and energy is spent responding to or anticipating the reaction of the media and critics.
“There’s a big risk of people agreeing on something without thinking about it or doing the hard analysis,” he said. In the face of incomplete information and genuine uncertainty, he said, it was disquieting “how easily bad ideas become entrenched.”
“It’s a strange process,” he mused, but one he is likely to miss.