Olivier Blanchard, former director of the IMF’s research department, has written a short critical piece about DSGE models. Forget all the econblog reaction that essentially says he has been too kind: DSGE completely dominates academic macroeconomics, and there is no way that all these academics are going to suddenly decide this research programme is a waste of time. (I happen to think Blanchard is right that it isn’t a waste of time.) What is at issue is not the existence of DSGE models, but their hegemony.
One of Blanchard’s recommendations is that DSGE “has to become less imperialistic. Or, perhaps more fairly, the profession (and again, this is a note to the editors of the major journals) must realize that different model types are needed for different tasks.” The most important part of that sentence is the bit in brackets. He talks about a distinction between fully microfounded models and ‘policy models’. The latter used to be called Structural Econometric Models (SEMs), and they are the type of model that Lucas and Sargent famously attacked.
These SEMs have survived as the core model used in many important policy institutions (except for the Bank of England) for good reason, but DSGE trained academics have followed Lucas and Sargent as viewing these as not ‘proper macroeconomics’. Their reasoning is simply wrong, as I discuss here. As Blanchard notes, it is the editors of top journals that need to realise this, and stop insisting that all aggregate models have to be microfounded. The moment they allow space for eclecticism, then academics will be able to choose which methods they use.
ブランシャールが提唱することの一つは、DSGEモデルは「帝国主義色を薄めるべきである。あるいは、もっと正確に言うならば、学者たちは(この文もまた、主要ジャーナルの編集者に対する覚書である)異なる課題については異なる種類のモデルが必要になることを認識すべきである。」 この文章の最も重要な箇所は、括弧で囲まれた部分である。彼は完全にミクロ的基礎付けされたモデルと「政策モデル」との区別について述べている。後者はかつて構造計量経済モデル(SEMs)と呼ばれたものであり、ルーカスとサージェントの有名な攻撃を受けた種類のモデルである。
Note to journal editors: Not every discussion of a new mechanism should be required to come with a complete general equilibrium closure