
コチャラコタが、需要刺激策が労働生産性を押し上げるのではないか、と論じたブルームバーグ論説を書き、そのフォローアップとして自HPで生産性に関する外生と内生の2つの見方(ストーリー)を紹介している(H/T Economist's View*1

The heart of this story is that, because monetary policy has been unduly tight over the past few years, there has been underinvestment in both innovation and implementation. Because fiscal policy has been too tight, we have too little public capital. The result is that TFP is now 5% below its BGP.
At the same time, physical investment has been too low (because of overly tight monetary policy). As a result, physical capital is also well below its BGP.
Conditional on these state variables, we might well be close to full employment. Suppose capital is 18% below its BGP and TFP is 5% below its BGP. Ignoring income effects on labor supply, and assuming a Frisch elasticity of about 1/2, these changes in TFP and capital would imply that (potential) employment should be about 5-6% lower than was expected in 2007. But, even though we’re close to full employment, there’s a lot of room for super-normal growth. Both capital and TFP are well below their BGPs. The full-employment growth rate is going to be well above its long-run level for several years. We can’t conclude the economy is overheating just because it is growing quickly.
Of course, even given these state variables, we might not be close to full employment. Consumption is unexpectedly low relative to the CBO’s 2007 forecast. Income effects on labor supply would push up on the willingness of people to work. This would imply that employment is also below potential (even given the low values of TFP and capital).
I should note too that in many models of endogenous TFP, it has an external component or a component that depends on public capital. That aspect would imply that the government should facilitate even faster TFP growth.



*2:cf. Frisch elasticity of labor supply - Wikipedia関連日本語論文