
昨日エントリで、Giancarlo Corsetti(ケンブリッジ大)とLuca Dedola(ECB)の論文「The “Mystery of the Printing Press”/Monetary Policy and Self-fulfilling Debt Crises」の論調が2013年4月版と2014年8月版で論調が変わっている、と書いたが、それぞれの論文のイントロダクションから、変化が最も良く表れている個所を引用してみる。


We first show that, when the government lacks credibility, the ability to generate seigniorage revenue and debase debt with inflation (two key attributes of monetary sovereignty often emphasized in the debate) cannot prevent self-fulfilling debt crises. The reason is straightforward: inflation is not costless. There are trade-offs between default, taxation and inflation that bound the degree to which the central bank is willing to ex-post inflate public debt away in response to financial distress. Moreover, the moment investors anticipate inflationary financing, interest rates would rise, reducing the gains from debt monetization - up to the point of undermining its effectiveness altogether.


On a large enough scale, central bank purchases can keep the cost of servicing the debt below the level at which default would become the preferred policy option, even in the absence of fundamental fiscal stress, relative to the alternative of raising the primary surplus. Specifically, we show that there is a a minimum threshold for debt purchases above which there is no equilibrium with self-fulfilling default. Close to this minimum threshold, a monetary backstop does not eliminate default due to fundamental fiscal stress. Sufficiently above this threshold, it eliminates outright default altogether.
We also show that, to be credible, a backstop cannot have strongly adverse consequences on the future inflation choices by the central bank, a risk that is magnified if the central bank is held responsible for its own balance sheet losses, barring contingent fiscal transfers. The prospects of
being forced to run high residual inflation to make good for these losses, i.e. the prospects of large deviations from the overall optimal policy, would ultimately make a backstop a dominated strategy, relative to the alternative of facing an equilibrium with belief-driven speculation. Nonetheless, our analysis emphasizes that, provided fiscal and monetary authorities are benevolent (maximize social welfare), the conditions for a backstop to be credible/desirable under budget separation are reasonably mild.