
というNBER論文をオックスフォード大のKevin Hjortshøj O'Rourkeが書いている(原題は「Economic Impossibilities for our Grandchildren?」;論文の元となった英国学士院[British Academy]講演の映像はこちら)。


If international capital flows are not a magic bullet ruling out the possibility of secular stagnation, then what, apart from the obvious (promoting R&D), should we do to make it less likely? I have three suggestions.
The first is to boost investment in Africa. That’s where the population growth will be; it’s where the big catch-up growth potential is going to be. And we want Africa to grow anyway, for lots of reasons, and this will require investment. An African growth miracle might go a long way to rule out secular stagnation at the global level for the foreseeable future.
The second is to become more like Japan. They have lousy demographics, without TFP growth sufficiently rapid to counteract it; and yet their unemployment performance in recent decades has been admirable, much better than in other rich countries. They must be doing something right.
The third concerns fiscal policy. Many people worry that rich economies today have run out of fiscal space, and will be ill-prepared to meet the next negative shock to aggregate demand. Would secular stagnation imply a choice between persistent budget deficits and persistent unemployment? Roy Harrod (1939b, p.19) thought so ...The good news, it turned out however, was that Harrod was wrong. This was the conclusion of the balanced budget multiplier theorem ...
Bob Fogel (2005, p. 7) had it right, I think, when he wrote that “The key issue, as the stagnationists defined it, was not whether the growth of the GDP would come to an end, but whether a high level of government spending was necessary to prevent a high level of permanent unemployment, even if GDP did grow.” And that is perhaps the question that we should be posing today.
もし国際的な資本移動が長期停滞の可能性を排除する魔法の弾丸でないとするならば、明白な事柄(研究開発の振興)を除いて、その可能性を減らすためにやるべきことは何なのでしょうか? 私には3つの提案があります。
第三は、財政政策に関することです。富裕国経済には財政政策を打つ余地は無くなり、次に訪れるであろう総需要への負のショックに対応する準備ができなくなった、と多くの人が心配しています。長期停滞とは、継続的な財政赤字と継続的な失業との間の選択を意味するのでしょうか? ロイ・ハロッド(1939b, p.19*1)はそう考えていました。・・・良いニュースは、ハロッドがしかしながら間違っていたことが明らかになった、ということです。それが均衡財政乗数理論の結論でした・・・
「停滞論者が定義したところの主要な問題は、GDP成長が終焉するかどうか、ということではなく、たとえGDPが成長したとしても、高水準の継続的な失業を防ぐために高水準の政府支出が必要かどうか、ということである」と書いた時、ボブ・フォーゲル(2005, p. 7*2)は正しかった、と私は思います。そしてそれはおそらく、私たちが今日問い掛けるべき問題なのです。

*1:cf. これ

*2:cf. これ