米国の成長の低迷は将来への悲観的な見方によるもの、と主張する小論をブランシャールらが書いている(H/T Economist's View)。この主張は、自然利子率が過去に比べて低くなった、という長期停滞仮説を否定するものではないが、低金利で需要を支えるべし、という点についてはその論拠を弱めるものである、と著者たちは言う。というのは、金利は一時的に長期的水準を下回っており、現在の利回り曲線は将来の需要の強さと金利引き上げの必要性を過小評価している、という含意が著者たちの主張からは出てくるからである。
その小論「Short-Run Effects of Lower Productivity Growth: A Twist on the Secular Stagnation Hypothesis」(Olivier Blanchard[ピーターソン国際経済研究所]、Guido Lorenzoni[ノースウエスタン大]、Jean Paul L'Huillier[エイナウディ経済金融研究所⦅Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance⦆])の構成は以下の通り。
The first section of this Policy Brief looks at the historical relation between revisions in long-run potential growth forecasts and unexpected movements in consumption and investment. It finds a surprisingly strong relation between the two. Based on data going back to 1991, revisions have typically been associated with forecast errors of the same sign in consumption and investment. Assuming that cyclical movements in output do not affect forecasts of potential growth far into the future, this relation can be interpreted as causal. The effect is large—for example, a 0.1 percentage point downward revision in future potential growth leads to a decrease in consumption growth during the year of 0.4 to 0.7 percent.
The second section reviews the different channels through which lower forecasts of long-run productivity growth can affect output and inflation in the short run. On the supply side, workers may be reluctant to accept a slower increase in real wage growth, leading to a temporary increase in the natural unemployment rate. On the demand side, lower expected future labor income growth may lead consumers to revise their assessment of permanent income; lower expected future demand growth of demand may lead firms to revise their investment plans. Both may lead to an increase in the actual unemployment rate. What happens to inflation depends on whether the actual unemployment rate increases by more or by less than the natural rate.