
2日エントリで紹介したタイラー・コーエンの自然利子率に関する考察に対し、その考察の一つで自分の共著論文(cf. 前回エントリ)が言及されたDavid Glasnerが反応した。表題のエントリ(原題は「The Well-Defined, but Nearly Useless, Natural Rate of Interest」)で彼は、自然利子率を語る上では名目金利と実質金利の区別が極めて重要だとした上で、以下のような解説を行っている。

In the Sraffa-Hayek episode, as Paul Zimmerman and I have shown in our paper on that topic, Sraffa failed to understand that the multiplicity of own rates of interest in a pure barter economy did not mean that there was not a unique real natural rate toward which arbitrage would force all the individual own rates to converge. At any moment, therefore, there is a unique real natural rate in a barter economy if arbitrage is operating to equalize the cost of borrowing in terms of every commodity. Moreover, even Sraffa did not dispute that, under Wicksell’s definition of the natural rate as the rate consistent with a stable price level, there is a unique natural rate. Sraffa’s quarrel was only with Hayek’s use of the natural rate, inasmuch as Hayek maintained that the natural rate did not imply a stable price level. Of course, Hayek was caught in a contradiction that Sraffa overlooked, because he identified the real natural rate with an equal nominal rate, so that he was implicitly assuming a constant expected price level even as he was arguing that the neutral monetary policy corresponding to setting the market interest rate equal to the natural rate would imply deflation when productivity was increasing.
I am inclined to be critical Milton Friedman about many aspects of his monetary thought, but one of his virtues as a monetary economist was that he consistently emphasized Fisher’s distinction between real and nominal interest rates. The point that Friedman was making in the passage quoted by Tyler was that the monetary authority is able to peg nominal variables, prices, inflation, exchange rates, but not real variables, like employment, output, or interest rates. Even pegging the nominal natural rate is impossible, because inasmuch as the goal of targeting a nominal natural rate is to stabilize the rate of inflation, targeting the nominal natural rate also means targeting the real natural rate. But targeting the real natural rate is not possible, and trying to do so will just get you into trouble.
So Tyler should not be complaining about the change in the meaning of the natural rate; that change simply reflects the gradual penetration of the Fisher equation into the consciousness of the economics profession. We now realize that, given the real natural rate, there is, for every expected rate of inflation, a corresponding nominal natural rate.


What if the monetary authority chose the “natural” rate — either of interest or unemployment — as its target? One problem is that it cannot know what the “natural” rate is. Unfortunately, we have as yet devised no methods to estimate accurately and readily the natural rate of either interest or unemployment. And the “natural” rate will itself change from time to time. But the basic problem is that even if the monetary authority knew the “natural” rate, and attempted to peg the market rate at that level, it would not be led to a determinate policy. The “market” rate will vary from the natural rate for all sorts of reasons other than monetary policy. If the monetary authority responds to these variations, it will set in train longer term effects that will make any monetary growth path it follows ultimately consistent with the rule of policy. The actual course of monetary growth will be analogous to a random walk, buffeted this way and that by the forces that produce temporary departures of the market rate from the natural rate.
金利であれ失業率であれ、金融当局が「自然」率を目標として選択するというのはどうか? 問題の一つは、金融当局が「自然」率を知り得ない、ということにある。残念ながら、金利と失業率のいずれについても、自然率を正確かつ迅速に推計する手法を我々はまだ開発していない。その上、「自然」率そのものも時々変化する。だが根本的な問題は、たとえ金融当局が「自然」率を知っており、市場率をその水準にペッグしようとしたとしても、それが確定的な政策につながらないことである。金融政策以外のありとあらゆる理由で「市場」率は自然利子率から外れる。金融当局がそうした変化に反応するならば、当局が追求するいかなる貨幣成長率の経路をも最終的には政策ルールと整合的にするような長期的影響を導入することになる。実際の貨幣成長率の経路はランダムウォークのようになり、市場率を自然率から一時的に乖離させるような力によってあちらこちらに突き動かされることになる。