First of all, the distinction that Putnam makes and a lot of people make about the North and the South. I think, in some sense, it’s disappearing in Italy, but in the worse direction. All Italy is looking more like the South.
The Northern people . . . I come from the North, even if my grandfather came from the South, but I came from the North. People in the North, when I go back home, they still feel very proud that they’re much better than people in the South. I say, “You know, when you are in the Titanic, being on the third deck or the first deck doesn’t make a huge difference.”
“Yeah, you are on the third deck is better than the first, because you just sink a little bit later, but you still sink.” There is this arrogance in the North that I don’t think is fully justified, because many of the bad practices of the South have been imported to the North.
The Mafia used to be only in Sicily, today, is present in Milan, is present in Venice, is present everywhere. When we are questioned, “What has gotten worse?” I think there is this component.
「確かに、第三甲板にいれば第一甲板の人よりはましですね、沈むのが少しばかり遅くなるので。でも沈むことに変わりはありません。」 北部の人々にはこうした傲慢さがあるのです。しかしその傲慢さは完全には正当化されないと私は思います。というのは、南部の悪習の多くは北部にも輸出されているからです。
*1: 哲学する民主主義―伝統と改革の市民的構造 (叢書「世界認識の最前線」)