グローバル化によるアジアへの職の移転や中国からの安価な財の輸入によって米国南部の貧困問題が深刻化しているが、米国のエリート層はそれに関心を払っていないか、あるいは気付いてさえいない、と報告したポール・セロー(Paul Theroux)のNYT論説記事*1を巡る論争をブランコ・ミラノビッチが取り上げている(H/T Economist's View)。
In an answer to Theroux, Annie Lowrey points out that however awful the poverty in Mississippi is, it is not as bad as poverty in parts of Africa (Zimbabwe is used as a comparator both by Theroux and Lowrey). Globalization that has lifted out of poverty several hundred million Chinese at the cost of making ghost towns in Mississippi is not a zero-sum game. Moreover, from a cosmopolitan point of view, the rich Americans’ concern with African poverty rather than with poverty in Mississippi or Arkansas makes sense because people in Africa are much poorer.
Technically, Lowrey is right on all points.
かつてマルクス主義者は、世界の南北問題を、第三世界を資源輸出国に留めておきたい先進国と、その先進国の代理人として行動することにより富を得た現地の買弁ブルジョワジー(comprador bourgeoisie)、という構造で読み解いた。ミラノビッチは、今やそうした分断が先進国内に移行している、と言う。
As in the neo-Marxist theories applied to the South, the divergence of economic interests within a country produces political disarticulation. The rich favor the continuation of globalization as it is, the lower middle classes are looking at the ways to change or reverse both globalization and migration that comes with it. Two political camps are thus formed, not only in the US but in practically all rich countries: the camp of ideologically cosmopolitan rich whose incomes keep on increasing and the camp of nativist lower-middle classes who feel that nobody is defending their interests.
The disarticulation in the North produces political polarization with clear dangers of transforming democracy into either a plutocracy that would continue with current policies, or alternatively a populist regime that would give way to the frustration of the middle classes by reimposing tariff rates, exchange controls and tighter migration rules.
*1:ちなみにセローは近著でも米国南部の状況を取り上げている。 Deep South: Four Seasons on Back Roads (English Edition)