
DigitopolyのJoshua Gansが、昨日エントリで触れたヘンリー・ハズリットの「世界一シンプルな経済学」と、一昨日亡くなったジョン・ナッシュを結び付けるエントリを書いている(H/T Economist's View)。

Half a century ago, an influential book, Economics in One Lesson, argued that if you understood opportunity cost you could understand economics. Opportunity cost is important but it is not a concept from economics per se but a concept from rational decision theory.
The concept that makes an economist a true economist is instead Nash equilibrium. That is, it is the marginal contribution of an economist to any situation. ...
Indeed, even opportunity cost can be rarely computed without working out the full equilibrium of a path not taken. This is why, if I were to re-write Economics in One Lesson, it is Nash equilibrium that would be the lesson and not opportunity cost.